
Zune HD!!!

Still too colorful though.

These are the dumbest type of add-ons one could buy for their gaming console. Just buying Move isn't enough, now we must link it with some overpriced, overweight piece of plastic that doesn't play the game any better than just holding the damn thing. Move is in trouble if this is how they plan for it to sell.

That is the best controller the business...

Im sure their be future packs with those games in it. Was the PC versions included in this announcement for GFWL or just PC?

@SamhitaMosquito: Once again you give me nothing but opinions while I continue to hoot them down with nothing but fact. This is what the iPhone version of IMBD looks like:

MS started a whole new form of gaming with 1 vs 100 on Xbox Live. I would love for it to come back but if MS can get other TV style shows like Millionare or Deal or No Deal with the same level of "being there" as 1 vs 100, than I would be just as happy.

@SamhitaMosquito: LOL...save that nonsense for the uninformed. While its true that WP7 shares some legacy code with WM6.5, the fact is that its a fundimentally different way of doing their mobile OS with a different philosyfy. WP7 is fresh and is every bit as good as iOS in terms of the way you navigate the OS/speed

@WhoKnew?: If its anything like 1vs100, you can also win real prizes and rewards so its not for nothing.

@SamhitaMosquito: No my friend... this is all the writer of this "article" wants you to believe and you eat it right up. He mistook platform for phone... the iOS is one platform, yet it resides on multiple devices...same could be said of WP7. Just because these aren't true journalist doesn't mean we should take

@SamhitaMosquito: First off, Halo Waypoint on WP7 is in fact made by the same dev team that does it on 360. Second, the screen does NOT waste space, and if you think so, the same could be said about iOS and Android. Coming from someone that actually owns a WP7 device and has already made it personal... the OS is

@SanitysKill3r: No reason why a Zune HD 2 running WP7 couldnt be that device.

@Jekht: He wasnt talking about Bungie, he was talking about 343 which makes Halo Waypoint on 360 ;)

@Jono00: Not really. I believe he has a vision but I think they will wait until Windows 8 to fully impliment it.

@Pokeh: Look buddy, MS had a "premere launch partner" with ATT. They gave them one of their own games to sweeten the deal for a limited time...thats it. Now that the launch period is over, the game is now free to everyone. No point in trying to make this story any bigger than that.

@WillyG15: And look how things worked out for both the Angry Bird devs and making a name for gaming on iOS... just because its free doesnt mean it shouldnt be mentioned/cant help a platform solidify itself/cant be a success.

@BeefSupreme: I don't know about you but ilomilo, The Harvest, and RocketRiot are anything but flat. WP7 gaming is head above Android and in due time will be in comparison to iOS as well...with Xbox Live, it already js in some cases.

@Pokeh: What he didn't tell you was that the game is NOW available in the Marketplace for everyone to buy.

@WillyG15: Yes! Look at Farmville on Facebook...your telling me that free game hasn't been a success for them?