
Seems to me like Kinect is driving itself just fine with the games it already has. What some of these "professionals" fail to understand is that it has the games for its exact audience its intended to reach.

@oosiegewolfoo: I didnt see one sad face after the announcment... and I doubt anyone turned down the offer.

@Kent Clark: Your right... I cant play like Kobe, however, I can play... that doesn't mean I dont want to play NBA2K11... again, theirs a place for everything. You telling people that they should go out clubbing instead is missing the point and all the scenarios one would use Dance Central in.

@born28: Im sure they will because someone is in fact buying those before its given away. Plus, MS will also make money on the games these very people will go out and buy for their new toy, as well as Live memberships, Netflix memberships, Zune content, and digital downloads... its a win win for everyone.

@Flukie Lukie:Well... you know Kinect on Xbox can video chat with PC users on their PCs using Messenger 2011... so in a way, MS is bringing them together.

@avaddon8: Yeah, no one was sitting down as they were all clapping, smiling and yelling but it was only the women... right.

@programmer: What was too predictable... dress it up better next

@Kent Clark: Why do that when their will be tons of people play the game with me? Kinect and Dance Central will sell like hotcakes. Everything has its place... Dance Central is not a club simulator and does more than just getting you to move... it also teaches you and has a workout mode. It scores you on how accurate

@Kent Clark: LOL... so your saying they have clubs for 10 year olds? How bout a 7 and under club? Your a fool... instead of playing Halo, we should just go out and kill each other.

Will be picking this up for my younger family.

@Kent Clark: What about those 18 and under? Its good to play a dance game and get scored on it. You can compete with your friends to see who can get the better score on the same routine.

With Dance Central coming out in mere hours from now... I see this title getting lost in the suffle. Its nothing but a copy from the Wii with all its limitations... the game doesnt read your body, only the Move and it cant tell if your using the proper arm/leg/hand/foot/hip to do the dance moves correctly.

@Mark Pascall: Basically. Except Apple lacks the experience MS has with games and creating game centric UIs.

@KillerBeeTX: Thats because Apple and gaming dont mix. They dont know the first thing about designing around gaming for gamers.

Not bad

This whole thing should have just read - Be more like Xbox Live on WP7... their you go Kotaku, you can thank me later.