
@mean_mr_mustard: Tell them to play a little Kinect... the body will soon match their avatars;)

@RJ Stevens: The NBA ive checked out on it thus far have been great. Its also interactive with things like trivia and voting on your fav team.

@Spc4: It will be on your 360 early 2011 and will include things like video party chats.

@Strixvaliano: Theirs actually very few ads on the dashboard... most of what you see is actually short cuts or links to actual content that can be experienced on the box itself. Its also relevent to its specific category... if your on the video marketplace channel you'll get links to movies and TV shows you can watch

@edhe [on xbl]: Its apsolutly does have console integration and Xbox Live was in fact started on XBOX! besides... you mentioned revolutionary... theirs nothing revolutionary about cut and paste (which by the way will be on WP7 in early 2011).

@Venom: Kinect uses your own body as its method of input, not some sensor that can ONLY read a remote... weve had those for years now.

@edhe [on xbl]: Revolutionary when your the first phone to be highly integrated with an HD gaming console.

@earle117: You clearly dont remember your hardware or is a fanboy. No Mac or PC at the time could handle 360's capabilites in GAMING. Titles like Halo and DOA3 back in 2001 was tops when it came to graphics and sound in a video game. More importantly, Apple lacked what MS and Bungie knew... the thing that would go on

@earle117: OK....then please name one device that was better than it for gaming... just one?

@seishino: Easy now... I wouldnt go that far. The iDevices are big on gaming but is ran soley off 3rd parties and are technically very weak when compared to the like of DS, PSP, PS3, Wii, Xbox etc. They are fillers more than anything else.

@MrGOH: LOL... Xbox was the most technically advanced gaming platform at the time of its release... belive me, it wouldnt have been no better on the Mac.

And yet Apple still doesnt own a single AAA gaming studio. ALL of the games on iDevices are made by 3rd party devs who also put their games on every other platform. Steve Jobs wouldnt know a good game if it popped out from under his turtleneck.

Says who?

@Nobri: Its a Reese's Theme for your dashboard. This particular one is free and was put out during Halloween last year. Many companies will run promos and contest and often give out a free theme as a way to enter the contest.

This is a great fearure! The fact that it not only works on the 360 but is linked between PC, WP7, and Zune HD means you have quite a bit of devices to playback this content.

@mmmSPAM: MS has said that Warner will sign up shortly.

@Tarnis-Phoenix: Except LastFM does not allow you to keep 10 or download any song you hear/want.