
@Mooglecharm: Both versions do. One is just embedded into AV cable while the other is on the back of the hardware.

@Accordeon: You do realize those videos stay on the site and doesn't leave them right? While the videos you purchase from Zune marketplace are yours and they instantly get shared between PC, Xbox, WP7 and Zune players.

Hell yeah you should buy a 360! Its the best multimedia hub avalible. Media Center, Zune Music, ESPN 3, Netflix... whats not to like. It also has the best and biggest community of gamers and features... party chats, Kinect Chat, Bing Video, etc... why anyone would pass that up I dont know.

@jasoncourt: Its a simple matter of mimicking the real thing. No, nothing here is special but when compared to other sport videogames, it shines. When done well, the user just accepts it as what they normally see on TV, but when its missing, you know something isn't quite right.

Will be front row tomorrow! Cant wait

@TurboEK: Its more than just achievements, its like having a mini Xbox in your pocket.

I absolutely love ALL the Halo games (including Wars) but I'm interested to see what 343 can do with the series. They already have a great staff with a lot of knowledge on games and Halo. Heres a interview featuring Corrinne Yu, the lead Principal Engine Architect of 343... she knows her stuff.

@StinkyPinky69: LOL... the reason why the Zune Pass is great is because of BOTH the 10 free songs AND instant streaming of countless others FOR THE PRICE OF ONE CD AT THE STORE. Yes, you can use other free streaming services and yes, you can buy from Amazon but that doesn't quite equal having your experience tied all

@StinkyPinky69: And im happy to pay it because I get access to over 7 million songs at any time and I can keep 10 of those a month... forever. It cost about 10-15 dollors for ONE CD at the store... anyone should be able to see the vaule in that. With PSN+, you keep nothing but what you paid for in discounts, and thats

I dont see many people paying for this. Even if you actually want to play all the discounted and free games games (most dont seem too appealing) you still lose most of it once your subscribtion is up. I can understand if you were allowed to keep all that you downloaded while having the subcribtion... even Zune Pass

Not worth it to me for my 360. Ill just stick to Media Center plug-ins and continue to get it for free on my HDTV.

I simply can live without Windows Live and this new version makes my tasks much easier.

@CIM: The UIs on the new Live Essentials are very well done.

@kramsy: lol... move will only track your hands, what about the rest of your body?

@Krakn3Dfx: The PS eye is in 2D not like the 3D Kinect that can read your skeleton so the game is able to tell you how correctly (or not) your doing the moves. PS Eye can read your shape in 2D but cant track your body in 3D to judge weather your doing dance moves correctly. If it comes out for PS3, it will be heavily

So... on PS3 it would just track your hands? How is it going to track your whole body like Kinect can?

@KevanB: Actually, you have it wrong... Nintendo showed off a bunch of hardcore games for Wii that uses motion of some kind, much more and better than both MS and Sony for the hardcore.

@Jassen Payen: A MS HD webcam with Windows Live Messenger?

I cant live without Windows Media Center... any full OS that I run would be a must to have it.