
@KevanB: Dance Central, Child of Eden, Your Shape Fitness, Kinect Adventures etc ARE REAL GAMES to those that want controller free games. Dance Central simply could not be done by any controller or input device on any other console... its as real as it gets and will be huge.

@Ravennl: Except most people wont play the racing game for an hour stright... they'll shuffle between Kinect games, and the ones that do, obviously wont have a problem with it. Thats like trying to knock an avid Street Fighter 4 fan that plays all day with a gamepad.

@Stiggers: Yes, it will work. You could even make your own.

@Rob: WOW... you do realize that this mini game is for non gamers and those that just want to have fun right? Its actually a step forward for those that find a controller too over whelming. Besides, Kinect actually allows you to use your own equipment... if you need something physical to hold on too, you can make your

@CommodoreRake: I could see some Kinect games like Kinect Sports and Kinect Adventures retailing at $50 (though I suspect one of those to be packed in with Kinect itself) while others like Dance Central might be $60... if Rock Band and Guitar Hero can sell millions at $60 on 360 and PS3, I dont see why Dance Central

@VincentVendetta: If you think Dance Central is just about mimicking dancing by following some on screen commands that really only uses your feet, then you haven't really seen Dance Central.

Dance Central is going to be huge IMO... if Harmonix can flesh it out with addictive game modes (create your own routine, sharing options) I see no reason why this game cant reach Rock Band type status.

@AdmiralCrackbar: I look at it like this... Move is basically Wiimote in HD, however, the people that are attracted to Wii's controls don't really care much about the latest/greatest tech and just looks for funs games for the casual audience... they wont buy a PS3 for Wii type experience when they can get the Wii much

@ninja_togo: Because MS was the first ever console to "bring home" E3 to their console with videos, interviews, demos etc, in both HD streams and downloads.

@ninja_togo: LOL.... WOW.... really? See thats what im talking about, thats whack... not only did they copy 360 once again but why do you need that in HOME ... just bring the E3 info to the people at home.

The new Live Hotmail should please its already huge fanbase.

@ninja_togo: I dont even think Sony is taking it serious anymore... did any good HOME news come out of E3 from Sony?

@JabbaB: Unbearable? Like in the video? Media Center on PS3 lacks Live TV and a lot of other big features Windows Media Center has... its a knock off of the real thing. Im an avid MC user of 360 and theirs nothing "unbearable" able it. Maybe you need to check your network? Also, you tell Media Center which folders to

@ninja_togo: No disrespect, but HOME is a joke... nobody wants to navigate that way... 360 has Video and Voice Parties, Live Arcade, Gameroom (crossplatform with PC), Zune Music, Facebook, Twitter, 1 vs 100 etc all right in the dash... why so I need to create some Avatar thats only used in HOME to a travel to get to

Now playing

@JabbaB: I dont understand the whole avatar thing... facts are facts, are they not? I believe Sony will add Google TV at some point to PS3 but 360 already has Windows Media Center that does most of what Google TV does and a lot that it doesn't. So again, it will be PS3 trying to catch up to what 360 already has.

@Nawara_Ven: MS did show off this tech with naming your pets in Kinectimals, so its there...

@Pessimippopotamus: Exactly! MS couls implement options to allow only the person's voice who logged in to control or everyone and leave that up to you in the options section.

@SynKade: It is what it is. Sony hasn't done one original good thing yet with PSN and has followed MS and 360's blueprint since day one. Yes, PSN does have some full retail games on the service but not the AAA blockbusters like 360... wheres MGS, Killzone, Ratchet and Clank, 3rd party games and others on the service?

@ninja_togo: Yes, but can you then take those 6 people and all watch the same movie or TV show while connected in the video chat?

@Tenshigure: I agree. Unlike some in here... I believe MS will BUILD their next OS around this way of navigation instead of simply adding it to a traditional Windows UI (although you will see that too).