
I think Kinect can and will get even better when paired with a 360 controller or other accessory. The Forza demo would be down right awesome with a racing wheel (instead of holding your hands out) and the Kinect head tracking... you would finally feel like your really in the car.

@Tarnationman: They have. Theres plenty of people who would pay 50$ a YEAR for ESPN3, Netflix, Video Party and the Kinect integration, even if MP was free... PSN+ cant match Live on features.

@CowboyKill3r: Exactly. They forgot to mention its because ALL members connected to Live gets the same update and much faster than PSN. I don't see many people paying for PSN+ as theirs no real reason to do so... as soon as your subscription ends, you loose all the items collected while having it and its still not up

I'm sorry but Live still wipes the floor with PSN. You guys didn't fully explain your "Chat" breakdown either. PS3 as of now doesn't have party chat, only one on one... MS allows the same level of voice chat totally free on Live as well. Sony will add party chat to their paid service, the same as MS so I don't see why

Look forward to anything by Itagaki.