Timothy Young

I came to the conclusion years ago that, if you want to understand the people of a given era, look at their entertainment. The politics, the wars, the economy…those are important, because they're the framework. To see how people escape from/comment on/engage with those things—that's how you understand. So it's good

It works on many levels.

Agreed on Loaded Weapon. And seeing Samuel Jackson do broad comedy (which he also did in the reviled Amos and Andrew) is almost a culture shock compared to the last 20 years of his career.

She Spies. Basically, a self-aware Charlie's Angels with Natasha Henstridge and sometime-Whedon baddie Carlos Jacott. Great concept, mediocre (at best) execution. But the evil doctor character in one episode gets his own theme song ("Evil Doctor!") and that alone makes it worthwhile.

Upon my return from abroad in 2004, I stayed with my parents for awhile, who are ultra-right wing. Somehow, my email got associated with their address, and I've been receiving GOP propaganda for the past 12+ years. It'll eventually spam out of your inbox most of the time if you delete without reading. So, troll the

For now, they're funny. When they stop being funny, I'll stop paying attention. I don't really give a damn about an entertainer's politics, unless they run for office.

Jeff Winger never learns!

Dollar for dollar, maybe (don't worry, I hated it)…but in the awful movie sweepstakes it can't hold a candle to the Dan Akroyd-directed Nothing But Trouble or Russell Mulchahy's Highlander 2.

I agree with your analysis. I'm voting for Hillary not because I particularly like her, but because I'm a realist. A Trump presidency has such great potential for disaster that I have to do my part to keep him out of the Oval Office.

No, you could see them setting up for it in long shots even during Franken's speech. I think his vocal performance was not so great because he's always had trouble hitting the high notes, and now he's 74. There's a reason Garfunkel sang lead on that one back in the day.

Crawl back under your bridge.

Because I'm not filled with virulent hatred for something that I haven't seen? I bet you're a Trump redneck. Or, just as bad, a Bernie-bot.

I have no plans to see this in the theatre. Not because I hate the idea. Movies over 20 years old are prime fodder for remakes/reboots, and I'm sure this film will be fine. No, I won't see it because I have MY Ghostbusters…the original from 1984. I even remember the print ad campaign in Rolling Stone…a graphic of

It's very good, though very different. While Yossarian is at the center of this novel, it spends a lot of time with the Chaplain from Catch-22 and really deepens his character.

Hang on for a minute, everyone…this is the internet, and polite discussion on differing views is not allowed. Let's see some namecalling, and drag politics into it somehow!

Then we smashed our shit.

What about 'This World Over' by XTC? "Will you tell them that we murdered everything in the whole world/So we could stand right up and say we did it in his name?"

Yeah, but there's always room for him in flashbacks.

Hell's two albums with the Voidoids are awesome punk albums…go buy them instead of watching this show. Or do both. Or neither…it really doesn't matter.