Doktor Timo

The Veronica Mars movie was honestly pretty bad.

I've watched e-sports once in my life, and it was a Rocket League world championship. Actually very, very impressive.

I also find it very hard to believe that Silent Night, Deadly Night 2 has a 0%, but the original doesn't. Watched that with some friends last Christmas without really knowing what to expect, and holy shit. What a disaster.

My wife (girlfriend at the time) and I saw Unstoppable, the Denzel Washington runaway train movie, all by ourselves in theaters on Christmas Day. It was actually one of my favorite movie-going experiences, and not a bad movie in its own right.

This. There are Christians all over the place doing great science (including, you know, directing the NIH for the last 8 years). You just don't hear about them because most of them aren't out there shilling for young earth creationism.

And your laptop is literally just sitting on the table.

Belikin is good stuff. I wish I could find it in the States.

I admit it, I don't get this joke but it keeps cropping up so can somebody explain what I missed?

You are a beautiful pendant. I picture you with a pearl, or perhaps a lovely opal.

I think there's an important caveat in that while false reports rarely happen to your average Joe, they do seem to happen with more frequency to people in the public eye. I think this intuitively makes sense. So I'm always just a little less to accept "they said it therefore it's true" when tbe accused is somebody

The writer used the term correctly. A benign tumor can still cause damage simply based on the mechanics of the area in which it grows, but the important thing is that it won't spread to other parts of the body and can be cured completely with surgery. The fact that her tumor was benign is significant, because that's


Indeed. The name is really quite on the nose.

*Mane. Horses have manes.

You're right, I have no idea what happens when you block someone since I've never done it because I'm not a petty little bitch.

I thought you blocked him?

This is as good a time as any to remind everyone that fruit juices really aren't that good for you. They're nature's version of sugar water.

"But I think that we’re smart people in the end and I think we realize the good that we can do.”

Serial certainly had aspects of sensationalism and exploitation (The height of journalism, really? I've never seen that claim made). But it also served a purpose in bringing to light problems in the criminal justice system and exploring a potential miscarriage of justice at the request of the family and friends of the

Because in giraffe world it's possible that both you and your dad want to mate with your mom, and giraffe world is only big enough for one horny dude.