Doktor Timo

This comment is a truly incredible combination of over-analysis and absolute asshattery. You literally just said a person "inadvertently killed" themselves because they didn't respond well to being irrationally placed in a death trap. That's just . . . special. Well done.

Meh. At some point this show has to move beyond "Rick is a huge asshole who doesn't value people but maybe secretly does . . . or not." Not a lot of new information in this episode.

Technically they're two separate companies owned by different members of the same family. Similar business model, but ultimately different companies.


We're not really going to start calling Doctor Who "science fiction," are we? It's barely even sci-fi in the loosest sense of the term.

That's…quite a statement. Something responding to a stimulus is a far cry from having "awareness," even if the stimulus is working on a quantum level.

I'm not. Does anybody? Most people either pronounce it correctly (fuh) or mispronounce it as "foe."

What's truly bad is when restaurants try to make pho-based puns that require you to mispronounce "pho."

I think you're grossly overestimating the general public's interest in Monopoly.

I never said he always did the right thing, just that he had the right motives most of the time. If he were a comic book character he would still be considered the hero. Heroes bending and sometimes breaking the law to accomplish perceived justice is a pretty common trope.

Of course there was no interest. The internet stops caring past the point of initial outrage. We certainly aren't going to actually spend money on anything. The self-congratulatory pat on the back you get after the anger is more than enough reward.

Nah, it ended how it should have. At the end of the day Justified was a show about good people doing noble things, albeit not always in the most legal manner. It was the perfect antidote to the spate of anti-hero shows that hit it big around that same time. When you were tired of watching Walter White be a sympathetic

Dude, just take the L and move on with life. Your argument is utterly nonsensical.

I heard he actually has a certificate certifying that he doesn't have donkey brains. He may have altered the name on it, though.

No kidding. You act like a fool on social media and you can totally wreck your career and reputation. You overdose on propofol and, at the very worst, you just stop breathing.

I don't care what anybody says, The Black Parade is a phenomenal album.

Were you expecting it NOT to be a superhero action flick?

Or she could use any of the half dozen other real estate sites that realtors also post the exact same listings and pictures on (Redfin, Trulia, etc.) Zillow can go make love to themselves, as it were, for being pointlessly bullying.

Most zoos have smaller enclosure pens where they keep animals when they're off exhibit for whatever reason: medical care, bad weather, etc. That is the case here. The full outdoor gorilla exhibit at the Dallas Zoo is huge.

For anyone who hasn't seen it yet, be aware: this guy is full of crap.