Doktor Timo

At what point did Season 2 get good? Because I watched three or four episodes into the second season and finally had to give up.

That's kind of true in the US, but not worldwide. The most dangerous scorpions in the world are the Fat Tail species, and those are fairly sizable.

My brothers and I used to keep pet scorpions, starting when we found one in our dryer in New Mexico. People don't realize it, but most scorpions aren't dangerous at all. The most venomous species in the US will put you into pretty excruciating pain but it certainly isn't life-threatening. Even the most dangerous

I've been to a Jack-in-the-Box in North Carolina, so they're definitely not West Coast only anymore.

Now You See Me is the only movie I wished I had walked out on. It's a movie about illusionists where they don't even attempt to explain how the illusions are performed (because they're clearly impossible) which takes all of the fun out of the story. Then it ends with a plot twist so absurd it retroactively makes the

Probably. Then again, previously uncontacted Brazilian natives aren't really the target market for most movie releases these days, so it's kind of a moot point.

I don't want to put too fine a point on it, but that theory is just about the dumbest fan theory I've seen on the internet. I both laugh and die a little inside every time somebody suggests it.

The whole concept of the podcast is such obvious bullshit. Not everybody gets to make the next Serial, dude. This idea that famous people somehow OWE the world constant exposure is so offensive in the first place.

True, but dropping a cryptic "BREAKING" tweet into the middle of an already over-hyped media story and then blaming other people for getting excited about it is utter nonsense.

What an incredibly disingenuous thing to say. After all the hype and angst around Trump's taxes for months on end, nobody can honestly claim that tweet wasn't intended to tease something big. It doesn't have to contain explicit hype in order to accomplish that goal. The intent is painfully obvious.

My dad once saw Jane Fonda in an airport carrying a purse covered in Jane Fonda mugshots. It was weirdly meta.

Beer is made with a greater variety of ingredients, so yes.

"If I were black and were faced by a wearer I would know just where I stood."

False. Even just by watching Parks and Rec and Justified I have accidentally seen more Oswalt than I've seen of The Walking Dead.

People still watch The Walking Dead?

There's a reason beers with triple-digit IBUs are unconventional: they suck.

You can definitely tell this is a Graham Yost show now in this finale. It has that perfect Justified-esque combination of "hell yeah!" protagonist victories followed immediately by the "oh crap" implications of some new hell just around the corner. The "good guys" still win, but they never win completely.

These reviews are truly insufferable, and I say that as somebody who hasn't really bought into the show yet. The complaint that nothing happens is clearly nonsense, but I'm not sure if I understand why I should care about all the things that keep happening. At this point, the utter insanity of the whole story is the

Yes, but that's very different than looking back and using your age as an excuse for the genuinely idiotic things you said/believed. The truth is "well, I was kind of an idiot back then," not "well, I was an idiot back then because I was 25 and couldn't help it."

Ah, double IPAs. At this point American craft brewers are treating hops the same way Gillette treats razor blades: just continue to mindlessly add more and more and pretend you're innovating.