Doktor Timo

Yeah, I'm not sure what the cutoff is for when you have to stop using your age as an excuse for your stupidity, but it's long before 25. How about once you're not a teenager anymore?

Japandroids is literally the exact opposite of sad sack navel gazing.

Since cheesecake is more accurately a pie/tart, it makes sense that it would be delicious with fruit.

Nah. It's the cutting them out part that's a hobby.

There's a difference between being skittish and being unnecessarily forced into a situation where panic can literally kill you.

Hey good for you. BTW, by "almost" I mean I've already passed my boards and will have my degree in May. So literally almost.

Very unsettling. The dog is clearly terrified to begin with, and putting an already terrified animal in a potentially dangerous situation is both foolish and cruel. As a (almost) veterinarian, I find this very troubling.

That's why the plotting is so brilliant. When Himmler gets up there and gives his big rah-rah speech you're simultaneously relieved that the conspiracy was found out and the world won't end while also being horrified at Himmler and his promise that nobody can defeat the Reich.

Considering the strong implication that he knew the Resistance lady was going to try to kill Juliana when he left, I think killing him was a pretty reasonable choice.

Yeah it's not at all clear that Smith knows it's a bluff. I'll need to watch it again, but I'm pretty sure Tagomi bluffed both Kido and Smith. Which is kind of awesome.

I feel like the reviewer wants a much less nuanced, more black and white morality than the show is presenting. To call Juliana a Nazi sympathizer just because she wants to protect Thomas and sees the humanity in the Smith family is really quite silly. These characters are far more believable precisely because they're

First of all, Juliana is not a "Nazi sympathizer." She's just a human being. And the Resistance hasn't accomplished much because the show isn't ABOUT ths Resistance. It's about how Juliana effects positive change by being the one person wjo won't sacrifice her personal morals for practicality. And that's why she's

The good news is the true protagonist of the show becomes abundantly clear in the last two episodes. Mega props to the showrunners for how they eventually tie the variety of storylines together. It just takes some patience to get there.

This is the first time I've ever heard a Man City fan try to make it sound like he roots for the spunky underdog.

I personally loved both books. None of the criticims above are necessarily inaccurate, they just aren't a big deal in my mind. If you can accept Kvothe's quasi-Mary Sue nature, the rest of the story falls into place and you can get caught up in the prose and the artistry of the world-building. If you can't accept the

If they were just bad I could say meh. But they're so … almost surreal in how utterly weird and pointless they are that they kind of demand a response.

As is almost all of pop culture. And yet here we are, talking about it.

I think I've finally moved beyond feeling animosity towards this comic into just being generally confused and befuddled. I guess it's the utterly trite observations presented as if they have some sort of emotional weight that really throws me for a loop. And the utter lack of context or even the most basic

Well that was disappointing. You could have at least thrown in a good joke about safe spaces or something.

You mean like how you tried to delegitimize my opinion of what makes a good comic by dismissing me as a sad troll?