Doktor Timo

Text on an image is not the same as text on what is essentially a patterned background. Comics are usually composed of both text and images depicting what is happening. Dialogue boxes pasted onto a pretty painting barely meet that criteria.

Half of this comic is just text on a background. That's what we call a paragraph, not an actual comic.

This seems like a conversation that does not benefit in any way by being put into comic form. I'm struggling to understand the reason for its existence.

Interstellar in IMAX was essential to me. It's hard to get lost in the implications of the size of time and space if you can't get lost in the visuals. Not to mention the seat-shaking organ soundtrack.

Today on Missing the Joke 101…

The difference between Girls and It's Always Sunny is that the latter is never intended to be taken seriously, nor is the viewer supposed to relate to the characters. Nobody will ever declare Sunny to be a brave undermining of cultural norms. Nobody will present Sunny as being the voice of a generation. The sticking

"Well if it's actually good, then they can at least say that more than half of the movies in the franchise are worth watching."

No, I mean that the film had to resort to cheap gore to get a reaction. The atmosphere and plot were incapable of carrying the move in the end.

At least they have a fun interpersonal dynamic. Unlike the obnoxiously wooden jackasses on Flip or Flop.

Hey, you shut your face. Fixer Upper is way better than Property Bros.

Couldn't disagree more. At the end of the day, the only scenes that were at all unsettling were when the movie turned to cheap blood and violence.

I'm just one man, but in my book The Witch can't hold a candle to The Babadook. People may have disliked the ending of The Babadook, but there's no question the movie followed the internal logic it set up for itself and adhered to a specific message and plot. The Witch was just a mess. It seemed more like an

With all the beautiful cinematography, impressive soundtrack, and exquisite attention to period detail, it's a shame this movie was completely lacking the one thing it really needed: a coherent plot.

I see other commenters offering their ranked lists of Nolan movies and it has me wondering: am I the only person who thinks Interstellar is one of his best? It's in the top 3 for me easily, alongside The Prestige and The Dark Knight.

The curious story of a shepherd surprised by how calm his ewes are as they give birth.

Saving Private Tron
The Tronichles of Narnia

He's not wrong.

I am now determined to work the phrase "fortune-cookishly" into a conversation today.

They could have just said "all the real Egyptians we know were too ashamed to be seen in this film" and most people who have probably accepted it.

Sure, if the only reason an ad can be rejected is because it's "offensive." But that's not how logic works.