Doktor Timo

As a former avid reader of the graphic novels, I find the declaration that Glenn surviving means "good guys win" to be a tad . . .ironic.

Faking extreme emotions over the slightest thing is the only way to make it on tumblr.

I would prefer a clue hinting that the show is going to stop sucking soon. Cause holy hell, that Season 3 finale was downright dreadful.

Let me guess: the Stones were way better?

Was I the only person who was kind of hoping Ofelia would die? She's such a pointless character.

I really hope the Dr. somehow comes back onto the show. She honestly might have been the most interesting character with the biggest potential for a fairly unique story arc: how does a caring medical professional keep their empathy when the apocalypse happens?

Except Daniel isn't all that complex. He's just cartoonishly villainous (and damn stupid to boot, see: unleashing the zombie horde to rescue his family plan).

That was such a hilariously lame "dramatic moment." Like most of the characters, Chris is just dead weight right now.

Can we all agree that if you're trying to rescue your loved ones from a certain place, maybe leading a giant zombie horde into said place is not the best strategy? That genius little plan cost perhaps hundreds of people their lives, including Liza.

The torture plot is a nice way to round out Salazar as a character, but frankly it makes no sense. Adam has zero motivation to not just fess up to everything right off the bat. He's already sympathetic and he wants to help Ofelia, plus he's clearly just outright terrified. I can't think of a single logical reason why

It's on Amazon Prime.

They may say that nobody gets hooked after the pilot, but I was 100% hooked on Justified halfway through episode 1.

Wait hold up. Yellowcard is still freaking fantastic.

I remember a lot of memorable moments in The Terror (especially the party where they recreate Poe stories), but I honestly hated pretty much all of Drood.

Agreed. I was hugely disappointed with both of those books. It's almost hard to believe that they were written by the same guy who wrote Hyperion. In all honesty, Carrion Comfort is the only other Simmons book I've really enjoyed.

God, this show. I doubt there will ever be a better sitcom on TV. And as much as this may be heresy in some circles, I genuinely think Parks & Rec was a better show than The Office after it weathered the rough first season. Perhaps it's easier to come to that conclusion if you watch The Office after watching P&R,

Wait, do you mean it?

Is it? As a musician he was certainly on par if not better than Paul (and certainly much better than John or Ringo). As a songwriter, he never got the chance to contribute as much as John and Paul, but when you consider the quality of his songs when he was allowed to write ("Here Comes the Sun," "Something," "While My

"George is dead, therefore the Beatle with the most talent is dead. And only someone who knows very little about the Beatles music would argue otherwise."

I generally agree with you, but I wouldn't lump Of Monsters and Men with the rest. To me their lyrics seem more fantastical/whimsical than faux-gritty.