
I have no problem with an M button...but the fact that it says M Squared and does not deliver squared performance is my issue.

Yeah it’s a shortcut to how you like the car.

I have issues with Amazon Basics.

There, fixed it for you.

Seriously.... none of these tests are any sort of industry standard and the one that is lacks any referential guide that isn’t itself lacking reference.

I love Project Farm, dude does some fun and cool testing, but this is entertainment, not an oil study. 

That’s why I use Canola oil and change it every 50 miles!

Also, you drive a toyota tacoma. You should consider whether that has anything to do with it. 

When my oil arrived there was a big scratch on the label. 1/5 stars. I have no thoughts on the quality of the oil itself.

Most people who bag on the 914 have never driven one. Or at least one that has been well maintained. They are just damn fun cars.

Like Jank noted....

Ferry’s car > all other cars

Just go with this one:

Jason, don’t bring logic’s razor into a nostalgia gun fight.

That orange looks suspiciously like the same shade as the Jalopnik logo. Collusion?

These suggestions suck.  Don’t try to live up to the Vette, instead pivot off in a different direction and be cool for other reasons.  Get a Wrangler.

I daily drive a Mustang and my wife drives a Nissan Note. We usually take the Note when going out as a family and on road trips and I often drive the Note on these outings.

“I would prefer something all-wheel-drive” 

When are we gonna get another one of the follow-up articles to see what the various WCSIB people ended up with?

That’s the worst 2 car garage I have heard of. 

What the fuck is that?

The Pelicans may be horrendous at building a contender around a generational talent, but for sheer dark-hearted vindictiveness, they are in a class all their own.