Don’t selfishly turn me into political propaganda, complains the guy beaming in photo ops with a brutal autocrat.
Don’t selfishly turn me into political propaganda, complains the guy beaming in photo ops with a brutal autocrat.
Yeeeep. GamerGate was the breeding ground for Trump and the weaponization of internet harassment. I would be entirely unsurprised if we found out that that was part of a Russian disinformation campaign, or if they saw how GG went and later adopted the behavior. Hell, GamerGate subreddits and videos were prime targets…
This article is lacking a whole bunch of context about Cernovich and how evil he is and why there needs to be planet-sized grains of salt taken with whatever he says. Polygon has some better background information about this. Essentially, admitted rapist Cernovich has been on a tear trying to “prove” the “existence”…
Some of these are defensible. Others... aren’t.
All I know is, my gut says, “maybe.”
My uncle had one of these. He said he was driving with his girlfriend one night, miscalculated a turn and hit a small tree. They were not hurt but had to crawl out of the sunroof because the tree blocked the stupid front door. I guess the girlfriend wasn’t impressed because a different lady ended up being my aunt.
They have a reverse gear but it was blocked on the 3 wheeled versions sold in England so they could be registered as motorcycles. The German domestic models like the one in the picture and the US export models with the tube bumpers have reverse and 4 forward speeds.
That’s badge engineering.
Great. Jesse will have to overnight parts from Japan and Germany now.
Since we’re all getting nowhere with suggestions, I would highly suggest a manual Ferrari F355 coupe. You’ll have enough money left over for repairs and it is THE quintessential Ferrari to have. Or you could always buy all of David Tracy’s garage and have enough money to get someone else to restore the Jeeps to…
What do you want out of this car? Do you want everyone to look at you and go ‘that guy is cool’ or do you want people to go ‘what is that’ and people who KNOW what they’re looking at go ‘that guy is cooooool’?
Buy a ferrari and a 911.
I know a whole lot of people who bought 911s because Ferraris are not practical. then for the rest of their lives they explain to everyone that they didn’t buy the ferrari because it wasn’t practical.
In other words, they really wanted the ferrari, and then spend the rest of their life…
I always thought they were in the $500K price range plus bring your own 964, but I’m not sure where I read that....
“He is some sort of mushroom man?”
a real jalop would buy an entire stable’s worth of crap-mobiles
You have been banned from /r/Jalopnik
But for $300k you can safely get yourself into appreciating asset territory...
I, for one, would like to offer my thoughts and prayers to any 2nd Amendment people that were harmed during the filming of this.
I can at least say it’s a million times better to drive than the Cayenne; which (when I test drove both) is NOT a nimble-feeling car and rattles like a 1992 Suburban.