
Why You Shouldn't Write an Article Titled, "Why You Shouldn't Buy Anyone a French Press"

Is there a way to make every facebook status auto share as a tweet?

If Norbs was being sincere, I agree with him. I like how it's "chopped" wings are initially off-putting. Many planes feel as if they had a number of things tacked on during testing, while the F-35 feels like a purposefully creased shape.

Enabling "click to play" for plugins is really nice. That way, you don't waste memory on loading crap you con't want, and videos don't start by themselves.

I lust after these. So pretty.

There is literally nothing cooler in the entire world than open gated shifters.

I know I'm in the minority here, but I hate Mission Control and really miss Expose. I can understand why you'd want windows from the same app clumped together, if you had a millions windows open, but I'm a responsible user, who doesn't. By making switching between windows of the same app take so many steps, Apple has

Actually, it occurred to me that I was only worried about it because I have such a small television. It would be hard to take in information quickly, if it's spread out over 60 inches.

I love the Metro UI, but why don't they fill up more of the screen with it?

As a another bonus, it also means you don't have to lend your car to any of your college friends, since they can't drive a stick

I just mean that I'd rather buy something with buttons and switches than a screen with software. It's like CGI in fims - sure it looks great when it comes out, but in a couple years, it looks like complete shit. Meanwhile, films from the 70s made with handcrafted models hold up incredibly well.

GPS standard! Ughhhh.

A badge shouldn't matter, but in this case the Scion badge really irks me. Scion as a brand just seems like it's the ideological opposite of this machine. Their cars seem to be marketed as accessories.

What's its top speed with the weird and awesome roofbox?

The 1600-px link is just reloading the page...

Those taillights seem more appropriate for the Subieyota version. They should have stuck with the FT-86 concept lights for the Toyota version. Would love to see some side by side shots of the two.

Wait - I was under the impression that we would be getting the Subie and the Scion in the US - will we only be getting the Scion?

Sometimes moar overhang is a good thing, but not when it's so bulbous.

Wow - that's absolutely beautiful. Can I ask what profession allows you access to said CNC mill?

I wouldnt consider that the same thing at all. Big difference between a loaner and a factory fresh customer's 1M.