
Right, it would require some sort of standardization of bottles to avoid such systems, so that bottles need just be relabeled. *Sigh* Seems unlikely, but as some of the other commenters have pointed out (supersayanyoda, giusepe), other countries do use have a system, so why not collect some data and see if it is

I still don't understand why we don't focus on the Reuse part of the "Reduce, Reuse, Recycle," motto. Why can't we just use glass bottles, and then just sterilize and reuse them? Is it too simple a solution?

Despite sharing a name with a historic race, this is the only example of a Sebring in racing livery, I could find. On [jalopnik.com] no less. Sometimes, it's preferable to not find what you're looking for.

Actually Incase already had a smart cover clone before the smart cover existed. But Apple was able to integrate it in a way no one else could for iPad 2: [www.goincase.com]

Haha, no worries - thanks though. It was just pure laziness that made me ask instead of looking myself, but since it's that simple maybe it would've taken less effort to just press Cmd+Comma.

I don't mind these posts, but I do hate how the link [iTunes] is no longer a part of the preview, when using "Blog View." Another victim if the redesign. It's always disappointing to click the link and then realize you've already read the whole thing- minus the link. I guess they want the page views, so they make you

Why post the same picture as the lead? Because, if one takes this question literally, then Spinelli is actually right. Swiss Army knives suck. They're not good at any particular task, only mediocre at most and surprisingly good at some. While that sort of makes sense for a pocket knife, it makes no sense for an

I have nothing but love for this car. Gotta love the little idiosyncrasies like the Porches Calipers

Clicking the "Click here to view everything on one page," link is bringing me to what I believe is the previous version of "From the tips"

wait how do you add quick search engines? It does some automatically (youtube, ebay, etc) but there's a few i'd like to add.

I just huayraed all over my keyboard after seeing that interior.

Plus then you could also scrap the magnum name and just call it a Coronet wagon, which I was thought was pretty

The whole thing is just annoying. Why sully the charger name by placing it on this fourdoored plastic piece of crap? I think I would like the 2011 if it was just called something else. I could go for a Coronet or Monaco

Dastardly, but brilliant. They took an existing idea: [www.goincase.com] and integrated it in a way no one else could, cornering the case market.

Screenshots are welcome - what do you use as your background?

I just looked harder. Didn't see it:

I'm usually happy went the layout breaks and its displays gallery view all on one page, but this is a disaster: [grab.by]

Actually, I was about to make the opposite request, so as to continually remind the Gawker Overlords of our displeasure with the new layout.

"Portal games talk place in the universe first..."

Did Harris mention how long they've been doing this "journalist tuning?" He mentioned that before the internet, you had nowhere to voice your opinion if the Ferrari you were delivered couldn't do what the Ferrari you read about could - so for how long has this "conspiracy" gone on?