An exciting and close Rally in the 100 Acre Wood was topped off by Travis Pastrana
An exciting and close Rally in the 100 Acre Wood was topped off by Travis Pastrana
I really hope so. The world would undoubtedly be a better place with more shooting brakes.
Damn it! Now I look like an idiot. Twice. On the internet.
The redundancy of the comment system really annoys me. I like to view all discussions, with all replies expanded, so I press the "All" button at the top it doesn't actually show all - it just shows all promoted discussions, so then I have to scroll all the way to the bottom and click show all discussions. And then…
Personally, I've never had a problem "returning to call" - is that a problem?
These are computer peripherals - not to be worn on the street. The sneakers are just acting as housing for the speakers. They strictly live on the desktop.
This is great for Hulu Plus by would TED agreed? I thought Theodore was all about open and free distribution of ideas?
Finally! An opportunity to complain about an OCD OSX pet-peeve. That damn spacer that separates application icons from folder & trash icons. You can't get rid of it & you can't delete it - so your icons are never exactly centered. I hide the dock - just so I don't have to look at the glowing blue dots below my three…
Wow - thanks. I've been using Cmd+Shift+4 to take screenshots of a specific area, but I never new about the spacebar option - very cool
Why not make the MenuBar change color to indicate a notification. Like the "tough to return to call" feature - that way you don't block the first row of icons
Fresh eggs work best. Fresher eggs are more spherical and hold together better.
Can you connect directly with ethernet or firewire?
Thanks, cbytes. I was in the midst of writing a response when you posted yours. I assumed that although an ass, Squalor was right about the weight - guess not.
It was certainly nothing more than ignorant blathering, but it was based on a small thread of truth. I should have specified that I was only referring to their respective footprints and not their thickness or weight.
Yeah - don't really have much interest in Monopoly Revolution - guess I'm a purist. We like to play on the 1935 edition, which includes a merciless income tax of $300 instead of the usual $200. It really hurts because its more than the $200 you get from passing go.
I'm surprised that no one has mentioned the size bump that came with the switch to the Unibody design. Just looking at it, I'd guess that the larger bezel around the screen makes the 15" unibody pretty close to the size of the 17" pre-Unibody. Thats purely conjecture, but I have noticed that when I go from using my…
I hope so. We have the 1935 edition, and its absolutely wonderful. It's especially enjoyable to read some of the dated references in Community Chest & Chance
This is very pretty - and I would love to hace one, but having four sides does have its advantages. Each side has 10 spaces, so theres hardly ever a need to count out one's moves. (10 would be the corresponding space on the next side, so using that information you can adjust a couple spaces depending on the roll)
Of course you do, GlaDOS.
To: Matt