
Raiden is too provocative.

Meanwhile on my server, everyone is bitching about the Hunts.

A whole row of Eeeveelutions~

He already has two strikes against the Nintendo Wellness Policy.

Still waiting for this. Make it happen Sega.

So many Easter Eggs and hidden gems in just 12 episodes. I loved this shout out the the FGC, Justin Wong, and Daigo Umehara.

That's an Acguy. Right faction, wrong mecha.

Was it really necessary to say "Japanese Anime"?

You made her into Poplar Taneshima from Working!

See other responses. Battle of the Gods was penned by Toriyama and considered canon.

I don't think it would be that bad. The plus side is having a summonable Elsa that essentially acts like Shiva normally does in Final Fantasy games.

1. Vegeta

I was about the same age. It's just a good feeling of accomplishment to solve a puzzle like that. It stays with you.

I didn't have internet back then.

I imagine I would have had a much different childhood if I did.

Well then.

My parents didn't have the internet 20 years ago. So yeah. I still solved it.

Twenty years ago, there was no Gamefaqs, no readily available resource of all knowledge of video games. The puzzle in Zozo to get the chainsaw remains my greatest video game achievement of my entire life. I talked to every resident, wrote down what they told me. I used the power of my own deductive reasoning and logic

I was so bummed when I realized this was fake.

Fire Emblem is now a dating sim, I wouldn't put it past them to make this a reality in the future.