
After she attempts suicide, she washes up on the shore, surprised she managed to live. She sees an injured seagull with its wounds bound with a familiar bandanna - Locke's. She goes back to the cabin and finds a note from Cid. Before he died, he constructed a raft and she should use it to get back into the world to

What is this, Deadspin? We going for best pun comments now? Screw it, I laughed. +1 for you.

Moleman better include a football to the groin accessory.

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Seriously, this is one of my favorite gags in the entire show. I hope they have a series 2 with Astronaut Homer.


I ashamedly admit I fell off as DRG my very first Titan fight. I'm DRG main >.<

Every fight since then on other jobs and in Duty Roulette, I've never fallen off.

Please tell me that Conan CAW is up for download.

HDR sprite with SNES voices >.<

It's too bad that Microsoft couldn't get into the party. One of the nuttiest things about FFXI was that PC, PS2, XBox360 and I believe early backward compatible PS3 were all playing the same game together.

Don't hate. We're adorable.

1. I like the story a lot, so that's opinion. The main story is pretty good when it picks up with the Garlean stuff. Some of the class/job specific stories are pretty bland, but Scholar's is actually really good and gets pretty sad and heartwarming by the time you finish.

2. Play it in Japanese with subtitles. There

It pretty much created the genre. Yeah, doesn't deserve any of that praise.

Still on XBox? This is the first time they've been on XBox, until now they've been on PS3 for all cross-platform games.


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This is everyone defending this guy's artwork.

Chihaya is scientifically proven to be best girl.

I have to ask: is it over for 765PRO?

I actually skipped the bulk of this article to avoid spoilers, but I'd like to know that one thing.

I know Bamco has been pushing Cinderalla Girls and Million Live, so it always seemed to me they've been actively trying to replace the original cast.