Tis but a scratch.
Tis but a scratch.
Guile's theme thread? Guile's theme thread.
Geeked out so hard. Bad 90's mullet Supes and the Red/Blue Supes that DC seems to actively avoid acknowledging.
Seeing DCAU Superman alongside Kingdom Come Superman made me so incredibly nerd happy.
Please include a "classic" mode so you can fight as much as you want and enjoy the game for what it is: a grindy JRPG with a great story and music.
Please don't oversimplify my favorite game.
Just wait until Mewtwo's TRUE final form is revealed in Pokemon Z.
I too had an awesome weekend. Went from 10-25 on LNC. The instanced dungeons are so fun! I REALLY wanted to hit 30 so I could DRG it up, but I also need to get MRD up as well. Loving this game.
Oh, well at PAX I wouldn't have known what it was. My rule of thumb when walking around PAX is: If I don't recognize what it's from, it's probably LoL. I'm usually right.
Can't wait for the cosplay. I don't even play this game, but I dig the costumes.
Take out the "kotaku.com/" part before the bit.ly url and it works.
Girl Fight for EVO2014.
whoops. ignore this post.
I played Killer Instinct at the PAX Prime Mad Catz Unveiled event Thursday night before PAX started. I'm not sure if this really counts as me playing the XBONE because the monitors were CLEARLY attached to PCs under the tables.
So, I played a next-gen game, but not on the next-gen system it will be released for.
Women have a vagina! I'm sorry for being so mean. Here's $20,000.
I wish they'd just stick to their guns and not be all flip floppy on this stuff.
Angel, King of Fighters: Rock Bottom / People's Elbow
Hitting S-Kill's parry is so wonderfully gratifying.
Recommending for YRYR.
Darnit, he says "pitch." Otherwise, everything applies to American Football.
Someone PLEASE put this audio to footage of Madden 25...