Disappointed. I misread and thought this was about Stonehearth, the recently Kickstarter funded game by Tom and Tony Cannon.
Disappointed. I misread and thought this was about Stonehearth, the recently Kickstarter funded game by Tom and Tony Cannon.
I guess I'm out of the loop. I've never even heard of this channel.
Hey I liked Haganai.
Keep backpedaling there, Microsoft.
Boo hoo. I want my 150 back and refuse to adapt and learn new things.
To everyone complaining about "durr hurr Super Mega Hyper Street Fighter IV Arcade Turbo Hyper Edition," just stop.
Stop it.
If it bugs you this much, then this game isn't for you. This game is for people that actually play fighting games and can engross themselves in that game and system for years, whether it's in the…
Russian domain? Seems legit.
Is this the one other video?
"I've always said Dan's biggest strength is that everyone thinks he sucks, when he actually doesn't suck." - James Chen
Justin was super lame runaway in MVC2. But he was the best and everyone knew it. In UMVC3 (and a lesser extent SSFIV) he runs characters that aren't top, just the ones he likes to use, so it's a lot easier to get behind a guy that uses mid-lower tier characters because he wants to, not because they're the best.
I love the commentary. They do it in a professional wrestling style of technical guy and color commentator guy.
And you have to remember that these guys are part of the community, so yes, they're going to get players that now have the time to help. Remember the last time they brought in a "pro" to do commentary? It…
They should have left James and Seth's full sign-off from the stream when they were both crying because of how successful the tournament was and how great the community is.
Then don't buy it.
What a novel concept!
She definitely said "aishitemasu" - I didn't hear the "sensei" part.
The beauty of SSFIV is that despite there being character tiers and good/bad matchups, the vast majority of the cast is viable at high level play. Seeing Hakan picked to counter Boxer was NUTS.
Characters don't win games, players do.
He probably picked up this mentality after SSFIV came out and EVERYONE mained Yun. He got bodied hard by Poongko and later Latif, so going back to Ryu and playing his game, not what was considered the most powerful was probably for the best.
"Ten years ago" is a stretch, he still regularly places near the top of any SSFIVAE2012 tournament he's in and won vanilla at EVO two years straight in 09-10. He's still one of the best in the world and at the very least the best Ryu.