
I loved proper jeeps growing up and always wanted one.

Having no job doesn’t mean you have no money.
Having a job doesn’t mean you have money, either.

The old and sick need to be on lockdown, and so do thier caregivers. The rest of us need to get on with our lives to the greatest extent possible.

I mean, i agree. Im actually looking at buying a new house right now. We had planned on buying a new house this summer regardless but given the astonishingly low rates right now it is definitely a priority for us.

This. Working from home, and got promoted today, so buying a bottle of  Johnnie Walker Blue to celebrate that and the fact I proposed to my wife 10 years ago today.

That’s the problem with great vehicles that people love - they hold onto them for years. They don’t get a new one every 3 years, so companies don’t sell enough to keep them around. Most people are fine settling for a compromise car that gets them from A to B they will trade in or lease, or they are ‘enthusiasts’ who’s

I agree with you BOberlin. If the Antifa and BLM agents of George Soros had not been bussed in overnight. The new-nazis would have stood in the park alone and largely ignored like they have been for the last 70 years.

Been there, got the divorce decree

That’s pretty tough. People who call other people selfish while being very selfish themselves are so hard to deal with. And it can make you never want to ask anything of them.

And don’t give it the old, “How about tomorrow night?” You can’t be sure you’re going to be in the mood then, either, and you’ve just created a hope/expectation in your partner that you’re later going to have to dash.

I got an “if you’re good, I’ll reward you later” from one partner. Went over like a fart in church.

Yeah, I’m with you. I don’t need the full 268HP, but put the same motor in it but detune it to a little over 200HP and let the enthusiasts flash/tune/chip (whatever the kids call it these days) to the full potential. If it was 200-220HP, I’d be SUPER interested.

“Somehow cars like the CRX Si that made 97 hp are considered classics”

Have you ever driven uphill or pulled a load?

Totally agree. I love the styling but even my mother passed on it because of the anemic engine. Forget the ancient STi motor just give us a Crosstrek with the WRX motor, 268hp would be perfect for this car.

Although I suppose this is asking for a certain level of communication skills, I’d be significantly more willing to accept “I won’t like it (“because...” when prodded),” with the only proviso to that being things well known for deceptive smells. The big thing that gets me is the unfounded claims, followed by an

Not calling someone out when he lies to my face is not “politeness,” it’s rolling over for a lack of basic respect and and honesty. I’m sorry that you felt traumatized by the people around you noticing when you pissed on their legs and told them it was raining.

My thinking is that you don’t need really food if you don’t need more nutritious food. I suppose that could have consequences if I massively overestimate how much of something a kid needs (oh, you don’t want an eight head of lettuce? guess you aren’t hungry enough for this mint), but, at the end of the day, it’s a

I have a son who just started driving. It’d be nice to have some auto-sent message telling me he’s driving. Instead of thinking the little shit is just ignoring me...