
Great interview!

Excellent interview, Clover, and now I know to look forward to Stem.

Happy Easter, you guys!


You’re still grey! Try Kelly or Madeleine.

The best witch - in her Easter pastels.

What does this even mean


Any luck from your email?

WTF happened? You *just* got back!

don’t worry. it happens to all of us.

Just emailed Julianne. We’ll see.

Lifelong Spurs fan who would not object to naming his kid Duncan, Parker, Manu, or Kawhi.

email one of the writers, they will ungrey you


What happened? Contact Madeleine...the one time I randomly got greyed, she ungreyed me. Just link your account to show you’re not a troll.

I don’t know, racking up over a thousand stars last night? That’s just it. It’s arbitrary. They don’t have to tell you. What a bunch of thin skinned shits. I out write these fascist motherfuckers in my sleep.

for what?

Of course Trump has the biggest and best health violations. I expect nothing less from a kitchen that takes an expensive steak, burns the shit out of it, then douses it in ketchup.

Thanks for the context. Does add a much needed dimension to the story.