Julianne follows me. I emailed her. Fingers crossed!
They should probably be buried alive.
Hey Sip! I’m grey! How u?
I disagree respectfully.
Liberal racism is a psychological scourge that fundamentalist, open racism cannot even touch. Like Charles Barkley said, “I hate Rush Limbaugh, but I respect him. At least he has the guts to tell me he hates black people to my face.
My wife and I watched Get Out in Dubai where we live, about two weeks ago. It’s a modern masterpiece in my opinion. What an enlightening and odd experience viewing the movie with hundreds of other non American expats. Peele’ s movie is so quintisentially American in its depictions of its lead characters experiences…
Emailed Madeleine and name dropped You!
Wow, my reply wasn’t greyed
I’m greyed all over James. I’m not going begging to get out of the Grey’s. Just like my greyed comments and I’ll resume top commenting.
My parents always tested the cappuccinos I brought home from a night of tricker treating by filling them with scotch and chugging as quickly as possible.
I think I’ve run my course on jezebel.
Apparently not.