Guess I'll withdraw my application to the TSA. :(
Guess I'll withdraw my application to the TSA. :(
@flopex: I once found the desicated corpse of a lizard inside my PC. Blech!
What is with the rubber gloves in those pics? It made it look like a medical procedure. I never use any antistatic protection and I have never killed a PC. Of course I live in a humid climate...
OK... I'll be in the bar. I'd like a beer with a straw and some clean underpants, please.
#corrections I think it is "mensch" but I am too lazy to look it up to confirm.
This is just like when that guy on our softball team hit on our left fielder and she made him quit so the next week he joined another team that we were playing that night so we tried to get them disqualified because he taught them all our signals but we had to play anyway and lost 10 to 2.
I LOLed so hard when I read this! Then I got really paranoid that the same thing might happen to me. Now I'm kinda hungry.
Reality shows are MUCH cheaper to produce than scripted shows, and networks work hard to produce the cheapest possible shows that can still get an audience. That is how you get Jersey Shore, and that is why I don't pay for cable.
I prefer the system that sucks the beer directly from bottles into my UV-resistant tummy.
@moose39: On the advice of my attorney, I'll do it!
I am picturing three BP execs with fake moustaches speeding away in a motorboat.
@MauricioHavok: Athiests start assuming all christians are morons in 3, 2, 1...
I think I finally have seen something cute that doesn't make me want to cringe and/or punch a face.
I foresee a lot more HD upskirt videos in the future.
When the data plan is free I will buy an iPhone. I don't want to waste $30/month just so I can read Gizmodo on the bus.
@GitEmSteveDaveInMySnuggie: Congrats on the successful startup of the Lil' Hadron Collider. I hope there weren't any "adverse consequences".
@thirdchild: About 10 seconds ago. Wink wink.
I only listen to tracks of women yelling at me in foreign languages, so I don't need expensive earphones. To each his own I guess.
Where does he keep his trains? Engineer joke! BAZINGA!