
@Murray Hewitt: Thanks for bringing back the nightmares! Gah! Why did I watch that again?!!?

@Josh Clontz: Coffee, tea, or conspiracy theory?

Definitely go with mylar balloons, because my kids' Darth Vader balloon lasted for months! Maybe I should start a balloon rental company.

@Josh_Geyer: According to Wikipedia (for what it is worth) helium is extracted from certain natural gas deposits. There are a lot of these deposits in the US. I am not sure how much comes from radioactive decay, but probably not very much.

I bet we eventually see her on this list [gizmodo.com] when a rare earth magnet gets removed from her body

@pnikkosis: It's strange that you think it is only a Northern thing. How do you figure? I think it's common now in all HR departments to Google prospective employees.

"Ridiculous" and "retarded" aren't strong enough words. This idea is "retardulous"!

I got hooked up with Google Voice but I haven't advertised the number yet. So far I have gotten 5 or 6 phishing calls. I hate phones.

By the shape of those fins it seems to have started out as a dolphin, but I guess he got tired of being called a wussy.

@nbergseng: That's the same password on my luggage! The guy must be a genius!

Does the sky really look like that in some places? I have never seen the Milky Way in person. I went outside during the Perseids and I could see four stars... sigh

@EvanSei: There aren't any trees in the ocean, so I think you are safe. This article is about boats and lasers by the way.

From what my wife tells me, some people don't want a spacephone, they just want to make an f***ing phone call. I also have the suspicion that most of the people reading tech blogs would prefer a spacephone. So this thing isn't really aimed at our demographic.

Gah! I listened to the first 5 seconds of the regular speed video and I went through puberty again.

@zeroprime: The best part about that site is when you scroll through 1000 lines of crazy and think you are finally at the then, then you see the "Next Page" link with another 1000 lines of crazy.

@SarasvatiMacaw: I hope you don't collect unemployment or welfare, use 911, drive on public roads, or use public transportation either.

That was excessive force, but it just seems to me like a bad idea to have a freaking attitude when dealing with a cop. I wanted to hit the guy myself while he was waving his arm around. Then when the officer confronted him and he turned away to continue his conversation, that pretty much sealed the deal.

Ok, gentlemen lets look at the tape from the security camera... H-okay... Did anyone see their faces? No? Lets watch again... hmmm... Huh? No I think their faces were visible, but I missed it. Bob? Did you...? No? Let's watch again... Can we get a screen shot? Roll that back one more time.

@Incoherent: I heard they sell their babies for wine.