
In a strange turn of events I find myself defending Gizmodo... Everyone knows that they disguise cell towers at trees. This article is not about that. This article is about a guy taking pictures of cell towers disguised as trees. It's a short article so there is no excuse for skipping paragraphs.

He looks like a young Luke Skywalker in the picture there.

Thank God most athiests are not egotistical douchebags...

I do not like the font on this page. Just my opinion. To big and serify.

So how long before plastic surgeons start removing old wrinkled faces and spraying on new younger faces?

It just depends on where those stem cells come from.

I think I heard that story. It was on for about 15 minutes and people didn't start calling in to complain until AFTER the game came back on.

Really? You think that soft-core is ok on broadcast TV?

That is interesting, but in 1994, the majority of Internet users were University students. AOL and Compuserver were what people used to connect to each other. That is like asking someone in the 70s what a cell phone is, or asking people from this current time period what the Hyperchronosphere is.

@dudikoff: And yet, it happens. Again and again. The best thing to do is to hit Reply All and tell them to take you off whatever mailling list they have you on.

@burntbread: The anti-commercialism lobe of my brain is twitching too. But this is a story that any office worker can relate to, so maybe it's ok for us to like it... I am conflicted.

I think you just sold me on Android. My wife gets angry at me because I mute my phone when I get to work, but forget to turn it back up when I leave, so I miss her calls... This could possibly save our marriage!!

A numbered list would work better than a video. I don't need to actually watch someone replacing a lightbulb.

Maybe a coincidence, but I got a flashmob text last week that said "grab your machete and spiderman body paint and get to the Amazon by noon."

I am always too embarassed to order a gyro for lunch because I'm not sure how to pronounce it. Last week in a meeting someone started talking about ACLs and I wasn't confident enough to correct their pronunciation. Thanks for one more thing to feel awkward about.

@lonestranger: If it is threaded to take a nut, it is a bolt, regardless of whether there is a nut on it at the time or not. One corner off your man card.

At the Space Center in Alabama you can stand underneath a Saturn V rocket. It is amazing to think something that big ever got off the ground. American's used to do some pretty cool stuff...

@Rohic: HAHA! I know, right? Women are stupid. We shouldn't even let them drive. Right, bro?

I think it is more of a security concern that Americans are putting those stickers of their family members on the rear window. HELLO! Now your 3 kids and two dogs are targets for every terrorist on the highway!!