Tim Mierzejewski

He gave a talk at my college years ago, and it started off with the stage in complete darkness and him barely visible at a desk talking. He wanted to give his whole talk that way but they wouldn't let him.

The return of Pick A Choice is the best news I've heard in the last several decades, give or take.

I honestly didn't believe there was such a song, having been aware of the mystery for a few years. And the Lost Media Wiki is pretty cool too, although they seem to get bogged down in not-actually-lost uninteresting ephemera too much. Thanks for reporting!

It was well done, thanks for putting it together and tracking down some of that obscure source material!

It's more fun than it should be, by all rights. There was a fun sense of adventure going out during my lunch hour and knowing there is stuff I can discover wherever I went, with some key checkpoints to aim for, getting derailed along the way with surprise encounters… if they had the server issues nailed down, it'd be

While most of the songs were in the article, check out the quiz and see how many songs from Journey's Greatest Hits you can name after hearing a clip! http://www.sporcle.com/game…

Thanks Kyle! I wanted a pretty unique style while still sticking with a sci-fi aesthetic, so doing something colorful and eyecatching without being boring was a big priority. Thanks for checking it out!

This weekend I'm helping host the Connecticut Festival of Indie Games in New Haven, CT, where indie board game creators from all around will be meeting up and showing their games to the public. It's going to be great! I'm mainly going to be demoing my game Avoid the Void, which is currently on Kickstarter at https://ww

I'm just happy there's evidence of the Nacho Cheesier/Cooler Ranch era, which no one I talk to seems to remember.


Aquadextrous! I borrowed and lost a Sniglets book from the library, so we had to pay for it. We found it too late, but then hey, free Sniglets book.

One of my favorites is only loosely Cold War based, despite its cover art - Confusion: Espionage and Deception in the Cold War. https://www.boardgamegeek.c…

I had to read that headline a few times to realize it's not about Avenged Sevenfold.

There's a lot that Heroes 4 did well, which I'm sad got completely shoved to the side in later installments. (I haven't yet played Heroes 7 but I'm assuming it's Heroes 6 Part 2.)

I enjoyed Heroes 4 more than most people, but that song somehow doesn't ring the slightest bell. Thanks for sharing!

Might & Magic 6. The snowy area around Free Haven and Stromgard's castle. Watch the pixelated snow fall, slay a few Magyars, and listen to this wonderfully peaceful winter tune: https://www.youtube.com/wat…

By the description on the link: "To curate the list, YouTube looked at a number of metrics beyond video views to judge which content in 2015 was most popular among viewers. "We looked at views, likes, shares, searches, parodies, remixes and responses to identify the 10 videos that everybody talked about in 2015,"

While I'm a little disappointed in my host John Teti's abnormally sensible wardrobe decisions, another solid entry in the Pick a Choice series.

During the opening credits for BSG, I enjoyed singing "Tahmoh Penikett" to the tune of "This Is Halloween".

I'm a little worried that the next feature will be Rolf-era Wheel of Fortune episodes with John Teti superimposed over Rolf, of course doing a far better job.