Tim Mierzejewski

Here's a video of him sounding like a sedated Mr. Rogers and offering up as much enthusiasm as a used dish sponge: http://www.dailymotion.com/…

I knew right away that the Rolf item was Mr. Teti's - a true game show nerd! I was surprised there was no mention of the time where there was a tie in a game and Rolf just looked at the camera and blankly said, "I have no idea what to do next." Or the time he was looking at the wrong player's wheel pointer and was


Yep, dc191's right - I was only counting the Walt Disney Feature Animation films.

Disney main characters whose birth parents were both alive at the end of the canon movie:

It doesn't hurt that "The Governess" is such a Decemberistsy title…

I'm a fan of Metric but overall this album leaves me a bit cold… it's more repetitive than I like, with less interesting melodies and hooks. The Shade is cool (although my wife cannot stand the high synth part in the chorus), but the rest is only okay.

Find out how well you know Everclear and its 1998 alt radio contemporaries on this audio quiz: http://www.sporcle.com/game… - three different artists with big radio hits started with "Eve"!

For the most part, I shy away from board game Kickstarters for the same reason that I rarely buy new games: I want to make sure I'm spending money on something I'll like. With rare exceptions, I only try to get games I've played before and enjoyed, or are from a highly trusted designer (like Vlaada Chvatil).

YES. "I guess my bellicose ways prevent me from expressing my emotion." Invasion of the Neptune Men has to be my favorite MST3K.


Mystery Science Theater, "Invasion of the Neptune Men." During an interminable space battle, inexplicably they show the explosion of a building with a huge picture of Hitler, and the crew's reaction is perfect. https://youtu.be/qsYYnwhn4g…

I recently got my hands on Suikoden Tierkreis, for the DS. I have not played any other Suikoden games. Several hours in, the combat is pretty dull but it seems primarily story-driven anyhow. Right now it's suffering in comparison to other DS JRPGs I've played, especially Dragon Quest 9, but it's keeping me entertained

And Journey disobeyed the order, "Don't stop!"

Yep! That was Rod Roddy, better known for his work on The Price is Right and Press Your Luck.

The song fits well in DDR, at least, which is the only place I've encountered it.

When you went to the Foreigner show, were they still playing the cheesy early 3D graphics of the dancing jukebox?

I'm not usually a big fan of co-operative board games, but my one play of this was a good one. Each hero's special power contributed to the whole in a unique way, and it helped keep the game not feel strictly like puzzle solving. I didn't realize before this article that the comic books don't actually exist - the game

The video was very sad… I grew up on 90s Nickelodeon, and watched plenty of All That and enjoyed Kel on it, but him repeating his characters' catch phrases like that just reeked of desperation and a sort of inability to move on.

I think the 70s game show host inspiration spreading to the sartorial choice is both terrific and horrifying - "terrifying", if you will. I also appreciate knowing that the chair is uncomfortable.