Tim Mierzejewski

Is the hapless victim dropping a big sandwich then, I assume?

Where does that put Macklemore? Starting off with "Thrift Shop" and following it up a bit later with "Same Love" at least says he *thinks* he's self-aware…

I can't tell whether there's any hint of irony or self-awareness in what Mr. Ice is saying here. Given "Cool As Ice", I'll say no.

Of those, I've played Alien Frontiers a couple dozen times and Kingsburg a couple times, none of the others. I prefer Frontiers - I feel like I have a bigger role in my fate, with the decisions of how to manipulate the dice more interesting. That said, there is a bit of a downtime problem in 3- and 4-player Frontiers,

I am notorious in my group for messing up red and blue arrows. In our first session of the game, I walked away from a nuclear reactor on the ship I was supposed to disable, and ended up, like, looking out the window a whole lot. 100+ plays later, I'm not much better.

The persistent characters with the Space Alert expansion are a lot of fun. Everyone in my group sort of found a groove as to what their favorite skills are, so we were able to level up just those.

We've got a friend over for part of the weekend who loves board games, so we're likely playing some Rune Age, Dominion, and/or Alien Frontiers.

My wife told me that she wants to play "tons of board games" tonight, so I wonder what we'll play? Maybe the new game I've been designing, Simply Adorable Slugfest (a play on Pokemon and its descendants), maybe a big game like Mage Knight, or maybe even some Summoner Wars.

Fun fact: Kitty Carlisle was a TTTT panelist in the 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s, and 2000s!

Dude, when I get home I'm gonna hack into like thirty databases.

While the song is well done and clever, the video didn't live up to its potential. I feel like Al and team could have done more with the "cheesy local ad" concept, twisting it somehow. (I felt the same way about The Black Keys' "Fever" video - I was waiting for something to ever change in their video in the style of a

"in case you’ve ever wondered what it would be like to be blown very quickly through a massive series of pneumatic tubes"

Is there a word for a mix of embarrassment and jealousy?

Somehow, my dad's Spotify can access the entire Mandatory Fun album while mine cannot. It shows up for him on a search for "Weird Al", but not for me. This has happened with other albums ahead of time for him too. Is there some weird black market Spotify with advance access?

I played Venture Forth only once, as a pre-publication game with the designer at GenCon, and I didn't like it much then. I didn't even remember it was Greek mythology-ish!

I've heard from some people that Kemet is like Cyclades but better, but figured, "But I've already got Cyclades!" But since I want to burn that Pegasus every time I see it, maybe that is a sensible next step.

Tonight, I'm having a friend over, and we may go for Ascending Empires or Cyclades. Or both! Cyclades is a fun but ultimately frustrating game. It's a fantastic piece of gaming, with a lot of simmering conflict, tough bidding wars, and plenty of special abilities at people's disposal (but equal opportunity for

Is that guy on the right of the image a toothless Dr. Teeth?