Tim Mierzejewski

Is this the first time Jack Black and Jack White were involved in the same project?

If you've got any long-term interest in the game, or if the base game has started to seem simple or formulaic, pick up at least The Big Expansion. (Another Big Expansion is also good, but I'd recommend the first one first.) New ship layouts, new components, new baddies, new ways for everything to go wrong.

I've played many, many games of Galaxy Trucker, with 2 and with more. The ship building isn't insanely different. Part of it might be that (at least with expansions, don't remember with base game) with fewer players, you remove random components before the building phase, to bring about scarcity.

As very much a 90s Nick kid, I certainly watched plenty of My Brother & Me, plenty of Kenan and Kel, some Cousin Skeeter, and maybe even a little bit of The Journey of Allen Strange. My sisters watched some of those along with Sister Sister and That's So Raven. Despite growing up in a 97% white town, it never really

There are a few video games on the mind. My wife and I started some Thomas Was Alone this week, and we've both been enjoying it. The soothing but engaging atmosphere with the fun puzzles and pleasing aesthetics makes for a nice evening wind-down.

We're having several people visiting over the weekend, so there should be a good range of games. One friend visiting tonight is bringing over an unknown strategy board game that is apparently new to us - he's not a huge gamer but has enjoyed playing a wide variety of stuff with us from Grimoire to Homesteaders to Hey

His "Chop Suey" is pure genius. "When angels deserve to DIE DIE DIE! Die-die-die-die-die-die-die, hey!"

Best polka medley? I'm partial to Polkarama, with Float On and Feel Good Inc. working surprisingly well. (Also, I love the videos for all of the medleys, syncing up the original videos to the polkas.)

My wife's family never got rid of anything, so we have a bunch of Spot books for our daughter (currently 3 years old). I had no clue they were so recent!

Didn't Scar literally show up as a rug in Hercules?

I liked those little short trapezoidal robots and the roast chicken health power ups that came out of floppy disks. (If you shoot them first, they change from a chicken leg to a whole chicken, giving you double health!) Played those way more than Duke Nukem 3D.

There are some surprisingly tough levels to get better than bronze in later on, although as you said, the overall difficulty isn't all that high.

Even though Epic Yarn wasn't a whole lot like other Kirby games I played, I loved it. It was also great 2-player, where you can help your ally out. The way the game's designed, you can never actually fail a level, but stumbling past the finish line with no gems certainly feels like a failure, even if you get a cute

The Nukems and the Keens were my big Apogee plays, and a lot of Epic games too, like Jill of the Jungle and Jazz Jackrabbit. Wow, they loved their J's.

When my parents got their Wii, they had a small handful of games, and each person in my family liked a different one. I was big into WarioWare, my mom liked Trauma Center, my dad liked a pinball collection, and my sister who hates all games somehow really got into Elebits. Which I've never heard anyone outside my

Of all games, my "muscle memory" kicked on the forgotten, mainly forgettable old PC game Cosmo's Cosmic Adventure. I played the shareware version as a kid, after my dad got a copy from a local computer show, and found that there was a browser version a few months ago. Somehow I remembered where all the secrets and

For no good reason, one of my favorite Price is Right screenshots is this: the producers apparently had no idea what they were promoting: http://gscentral.net/cliff3…

We'd all like to flee to the Cleve and club-hop down at the Flats and have lunch with Little Richard, but we fight those urges because we have responsibilities.