Tim Mierzejewski

Acquire seems like it fits your list. Everyone's manipulating the hotel chains, but no one's really "in charge" of them.

Since my wife and I have had free time drastically reduced thanks to Baby, but she suggested yesterday that we set up Mage Knight on the game table and take turns during the week whenever we have the time. Should be great!

You're not alone! We've nicknamed the camels' colors to be "mint", "butter", "grape", etc.

This weekend, we're having my wife's family over a few times, which allows us to bust out a few games we don't always get to bust out. Montage is an odd retro word/clue-giving game that is very hard to find the right audience for. You need exactly four people, and they have to be of pretty much equal ability as far as

I think the "We Will Own You" slogan was a joke in a flashback, when a young Ed Bighead had just started working there.

I can't believe the Flintstones place still has goats there! Is it not as abandoned as it seems?

Heresy, I know, but as great as Heroes of Might & Magic 3 was - many people consider this the series' peak - I prefer Heroes of Might & Magic 5 and probably even 4.

When I have people over and we're playing Mario Kart Wii, we're always on "eight random tracks" mode. And Rainbow Road shows up an inordinate amount of the time. Never will you hear such disappointment about picking up Triple Mushrooms and Star Powers.

But the new singer from the Philippines is actually really good!

Rowsdower, could you put out my head?

True story: The other day, I had - and used - the opportunity to say naturally in conversation, "Can't we just get beyond Thunderdome?"

Most of the show has been extremely well-documented, but the nighttime versions have had many details lost or swept away because they involved someone that wasn't Bob Barker.

8,000 daytime episodes. The ‘70s nighttime show (Dennis James, Bob Barker) is believed to have lasted for 300 episodes over the course of eight seasons. The syndicated (Tom Kennedy) version had 170 shows, and the 1994 (Doug Davidson) version lasted only 80 episodes.

I remember Mark Wahlberg being pretty good on GSN's Russian Roulette, the show where losing contestants are dropped through the floor.

I think that was in the Dave Letterman Top 10 Lists book my parents inexplicably got for me when I was, like, 5. Schweppervescence has remained one of my favorite words since!

Homestar Runner was always fantastic, even in its later days when it was overstuffed with self-parody and inside references. Like Adventure Time after it, the H*R writing was full of weird and interesting use of language, an atmosphere of fun, the right level of "random", and a devotion to quality.

Catalina and Suzie were never seen at the same time. Everyone thought Suzie was Catalina's imaginary friend… until some Space Thing happened (i.e., Jewel Staite left the show) and Suzie was visible to everyone and Catalina was invisible/imaginary/in another dimension. Also, "Suzie's smarter than a million books."

Never knew that time rule! Most of the time, I'm just playing with my wife and occasionally also her mother, and there's no problem there. Some of my friends in college though would take AGES and grind the game to a halt.