Tim Mierzejewski

That one's so great at just putting a smile on my face and giving me the warm fuzzies. The riderless bike going over the ramp… Big Pete's face staring out the car window… Mom's Plate…

I don't know what that means, so I'll answer with a resounding "Probably not!"

While I don't know anything about the new movie - it's very likely awful, cheesy, and awfully cheesy - I will defend Newsboys and Audio Adrenaline music, at least what I'm familiar with. The Newsboys album Going Public (1994) is filled with great tracks, especially "Shine" and "Elle G." Our household listened to a lot

As a kid, I loved the theme songs that gave a rundown of the cast. Space Cases and The Secret World of Alex Mack on Nickelodeon were great for that. They even had a few different versions of the Space Cases theme depending on the cast at that point (and everyone liked Catalina better than Suzie, right?).

Have fun with Mage Knight! Do you have a favorite scenario? Most of the time we tend to do the standard full scenario, with the content from the expansion mixed in (Volkare sometimes showing up in place of a city).

I feel there's a good amount of bias against mass-market games, older games, and word games in the modern board gaming community. Scrabble gets three strikes. Like you, though, I still find Scrabble plenty of fun, as long as other players can keep the pace up - it can be quite a slog when people take several minutes

In between taking care of the baby, I'll probably finish up my play of the wonderful Devil Survivor - I'm in Day 7 on the "I'm sure my evil cousin knows what he's doing!" path, and things are going surprisingly well, except for the whole "um, the sky is red now and God is now our enemy" thing.

Ugh, a coworker of mine has this as his text message alert. And he refuses to silence the phone, since he claims he won't notice it on anything but full blast.

The 2011-2012 timeframe sounds about right. Looking at the list of number 1 songs, the last songs I'd call indisputably "rock" are the Foo Fighters hits of 2011, and possibly the Black Keys hits of 2011 and 2012. But Phoenix, Neon Trees, and Mumford & Sons all hit #1 in 2010, and let's not forget Coldplay, whose Viva

The Kongos song is peppy indie pop and features an accordion. The Phantogram and Neighborhood tracks have a slower, borderline atmospheric indie sound that tends to bore me, personally. Alternative radio has become more of a haven of indie pop than rock, with pretty much just Foo Fighters and Red Hot Chili Peppers

The chart reminds me that No Doubt never hit #1 on the Alternative/Modern Rock chart. In fact, no solo female did so between Tracy Bonham in 1996 and Lorde in 2013. (A few female-led bands did, though, like Hole and Evanescence. Between 1999 and 2011, only one female vocalist was heard on an Alternative #1: Amy Lee.

We may do some board gaming too. We found a few titles that I can operate both sides on while she's feeding the baby, including Bali, Carcassonne: The City, and Jenseits von Theben.

We're playing Baby. It's a MMO DCG (diaper changing game) that's theoretically free-to-play - you get your baby for free, along with everything you need to feed the baby - but with all the outfits, blankets, beds, etc., the costs can rack up quickly. The roles are completely imbalanced, too. Female characters have

Macklemore and Ryan Lewis are a team - Macklemore the rapper, Lewis the producer. Their three big singles (and probably others) have a different featured artist on each (Wanz, Dalton, Lambert).

They take a ranking difference. My home state of Connecticut ranks David Guetta as its #43 most listened to artist. The US ranks David Guetta as #80. That delta of 37 is what they count. Play with numbers at http://static.echonest.com/… for more.

An artist that the given state listens to significantly more than the other 49 states do.

Not that I recall. It's been a while since I played any Heroes, but I'm pretty sure the weapons slot was always empty in the campaigns. (I assume there are non-dynasty weapons in the non-campaign scenarios, but I never got around to them.)

I've never regretted the decision to always use Offline Mode on Heroes 6…