Tim Mierzejewski

Unfortunately, I fear that the smells will not be nearly abstract enough…

Thanks! This is our first, so we don't really know what we're doing, but we both love tabletop games so I happily agreed with her suggestion to take a few along in our "go" bag.

Hive is good, I played it a couple times. We have tons of 2-player abstracts as it is (including the entire GIPF series), and while it gets a lot of love, it was firmly "okay" for me.

My wife is going to have her baby any day now - her due date is tomorrow! We're in a bit of a holding pattern till then, but we brought a couple small board games in our hospital bag for some downtime: What's My Word and Blokus Duo.

Walter seems to be a normal member of the troupe in the trailers for Muppets Most Wanted, and he is on fire for very little.

"Connecticut: New York City's Favorite Suburb." (Also, how I hate that people from our state are "Nutmeggers.")

Wow, acting out the parts? That sounds awful. Awful awful awful. I mean, it's not like the song's opaque in any way to begin with, but accentuating what it's saying just has to be embarrassing and shameful for everyone involved.

The weirdest wedding song choice I've encountered was "Paradise by the Dashboard Light." The narrator is waiting for death so he doesn't have to be married to the woman he wanted a one-night stand in a car with!

A different Sisters of Mercy song charted on the Modern Rock charts (now "Alternative") in the early 90s. Here's a Sporcle quiz with them and some long-forgotten artists of 1990: http://www.sporcle.com/game…

A while back, someone managed a pacifist run of Might & Magic 7, of all games. Lots of invisibility and theft (and reloading).

Yep, that's where we play! I only play there in long pre-arranged single sittings with friends now; I previously played in longer sessions, but now that I'm married I don't typically all that much alone time outside of work.

In that case, brace yourself for some extra whack-a-mole in Heroes 6: Town Portals are abundant, and allow very easy transport to any town. It weirds gameplay, though adding convenience in getting your big Hero her troops. (Heroes 3 had its long supply chains of heroes, Heroes 4 had troops that could move on their own

I know many fans say that everything after Heroes 3 is garbage, but I've had good fun with Heroes 6 (and 5 and 4). And since you've gotten it so recently, you don't have to wrestle as much with patching, down servers, and the like that plagued it closer to its release.

At some point this weekend I'm likely playing Through the Ages with my wife and her brother, online. The board game version is my favorite of all time, and the bare-bones online implementation is functional, though not pretty. Traditionally, my brother-in-law is a Napoleon-obsessed warlord (who also likes the Printing

Yeah, that's a weird one! A quick search shows that there's Shawn Colvin, who had a Hot 100 top 10 hit, "Sunny Came Home". And then you get down to Lawrence Welk's accordionist and Jethro Tull's drummer.

A few months ago, Billboard's site did a similar feature, with more subjective criteria but covering each state: http://www.billboard.com/ph…

Sorry, I watched the "Sesame Street: Old School" DVD last night, and the "Song of Three" was really catchy.

Isn't Nick News the longest-running Nickelodeon show (by years, not episode count)?

I remember coming closest when former Price is Right announcer Rod Roddy died, but I was just in high school. Don't see that happening to me anymore, not even when Mr. Barker himself goes. (He had his 90th birthday not that long ago! Terrible person, but great host.)