Tim Mierzejewski

For years I've wanted the shirt Rocko wears. So like the "Wallaby Life" one but without the Rocko pictures and as a button-down.

Never tried online play, just single-player on DS and single-player and hotseat on PC. I feel like the limitations of the game make it so that the "hardcore players" could only be so good, and that anyone who does do crazy stuff will make it more of a learning experience. But this is from someone who's never even

Cavum's a fun one that no one ever seems to talk about. Building up and then sometimes destroying the routes, carefully using the actions you have in front of you, and clever blocking. I've only gotten to play a few times, even though I own the game, but it's a fun one to bring out.

My wife and I enjoy Clash of Heroes (what I wish the Match 3 genre had become more like). She absolutely loves playing with Nadia's army, especially the fierce Rakshakas, and she beat me soundly with them and with Fiona's undead army. Findan and Varkas held in there, but not by enough.

I thought I was the only person who can only think of Teen Girl Squad when seeing the word "wack"…

In our play, "future considerations" are "niceties", with the frequent variant "big nicety". But they're very informal. My friend's experience with her family involved careful bookkeeping, several types of favor chips, and all sorts of dreadfulness.

It is weird how different Bohnanza is from Uwe's more recent medium-heavy economic Euro stuff. I have major respect for both Bohnanza and Agricola, elegant simplicity vs. elegant complexity.

I didn't get a chance to continue my Civ V game this week - with my Venice being friends with everyone right now but awaiting my eventual crushing by Germany before my tourism can kick it into high gear. This weekend we're having a friend over, and I'm guessing the moost common gaming targets will be:

There are so many other things that break immersion far more severely than that (not least the often-hilarious bugs), but to each his own, I suppose.

People hate the kill screens? What?! Those people are no friends of mine.

My Two-Handed has leveled quite a bit faster than my Conjuration, so I've had no problem getting a lot of perks in both trees.

Agreed. The Soul Trap and Banish aren't bad, but sometimes you just want to have your foes burst into flames. (At least you can still poison bound weapons.)

Oh, sorry, ZTO, I must have confused you with ZTO.

I don't believe it does scale. According to a wiki page, it's equivalent to a Daedric Battleaxe, which is close to the top of the line. I got it fairly early on, where it was a beast. It *does* however benefit from perks that allow it to Soul Trap and Banish, which is pretty nice. It may be outliving its usefulness

My default strategy has been summoning an Atronach and then cleaning up with a Bound Battleaxe. Unfortunately, once you have the Bound Battleaxe you can't cast anything else unless you dispel the axe, so I have other cool axes/hammers around for times when I need to summon a lot of Atronachs. I don't find myself

Looking at your other posts, I see you're a big Pokemon fan, so I hope the demon team customization is fun for you! Get ready to spend far too long in the "demon auction" and fusing demons together to make more powerful ones!

This is my first foray into the SMT universe, and I'm enjoying it so far! For me, DS playing is mostly relegated to nighttime, when I don't fall asleep right away. I have zero idea what makes Devil Survivor any different than other SMT games, but I'll have fun exploring some day!

My gaming vocabulary isn't the best, but I can try: Fire Emblem Pokemon with a story. The grid-based turn-based combat is reminiscent of Fire Emblem, but with each unit being a group of 1-3 combatants rather than a single fighter. Instead of equipment, you have extra team members with their own skillsets… so, Pokemon.

I've got three games that I've been slowly going through, and have been loving. The biggest draw is Skyrim - I played it around when it came out a few years back on my barely-passable PC, but now that we have it with DLC on our new PS3, my wife and I have been enjoying it even more. I'm having fun with that classic