
While the liberal in me 99% agrees with you, there is room in my heart for the occasional exception.

I dunno....it COULD just be me lol, but I’m pretty sure a whole lot of Jews cared, and were just a wee bit envious of everyone who got the fuck out of Germany in the cigarette end of the 1930's...

Ceci n’est pas un comment.

It's hard going back to college and especially with all the things she's going through. Never thought I say this but thanks Pornhub for doing someone a solid.

I have a large scar on my chin that I got from a very stupid incident. I was in 8th grade and my father drove us through the SE US with a ultimate destination of New Orleans during my spring break. I was just at that point starting to need to shave, but I forgot my razor at home. I bought a crappy Bic disposable in

However long it takes for a case to get public attention.

I don’t want him to be raped. I do want him to understand what it is to live with the fear of rape.

I am better than this shithead, I can do it without even trying. It’s super easy, I simply don’t rape a bunch of people. Here’s my 12 step program.
1. Don’t rape
2.-12. See rule 1

It’s an indictment of our society that the media didn’t think this was worth covering. Imagine if this was about dozens of white women? All lives clearly don’t matter.

omg he was my first sex dream and I woke up wondering what the hell that was about. First sex dream at 35. HELLO SEXUAL PEAK!!!

This isn’t necessarily the sex, but the aftermath.

This movie has aged better than my exes. Hi-yo!

We can hope that more research will result in the means to combat this unfortunate trend.

Fuck cool. Reefer and Rush? Yes.

Great story.

Legs are important in futbol soccer. One uses them to “kick” the inflated futbol soccer ball.

I think Mariah’s boobs might technically be younger than Kate's.