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    “Making jokes about white people isn’t the same as making racist jokes about black people, or Asian people, or Jews, or gay people, or any other historically oppressed minority. This is a very simple principle, but one that many aggrieved whites find difficult to accept. You can’t say, “Well, imagine if you replaced

    You know, you could always actually make any form of effort to help these people you seem to care about, instead of bitching for random white people not involved to solve your problem for you.

    Okay, this has gone on long enough. I see your articles, and I have debated posting a reply at how fucking stupid and racist you are for awhile and this is too far. I am a 22 year old white Irish medically disabled male who lives on the west side of New York State, hates trump, believes in equality, and that what a

    I come here for NEWS. Not this stupid bullshit.

    Holy fuck, stop trying so hard to make fun of trump. I may hate the guy too, but your fucking job is to write NEWS. Stop making Charlie Brown references less then 2 paragraphs in when all you have given me in that 1.5 paragraph is one sentence of actual information and not your shitty writing. I came here to be

    It looks like a regular sports jersey...who the fuck cares?