Tim Heidegger

It's not? Ping is fucking awful and cringeworthy, and one of my least favorite moments in the series is when Michael and David Brent meet and start doing Ping, making excuses for why it's not racist. I think it was a smart, funny move to have a visual gag that effectively calls out Michael's antics in this episode

Agreed. Based on my own personal experiences and those of friends, that shit happens more often than most people would probably care to admit. It's not a cheat at all.

Oh man, Ping. The zoom in on that Asian girl's face as she watches, so uncomfortable and hilarious.

@avclub-8f1899cdb606a3c7a0aa80d617eb123b:disqus  He could have destroyed the world engine in Metropolis while the military took care of the one in the Indian Ocean, where all it was doing was evaporating some fish (I know there was some throwaway line about why he had to take out the ocean one first, but since it's

No, what Snyder should have done is make a film that had characters with actual arcs, motivations, and emotional depth. If they had shown that Superman gave even half a shit that he was causing the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people, then no one would be complaining as much about the wholesale destruction. What

@avclub-0f0d67e214f9fef69b278e3d08114da9:disqus Darker than Doc building a machine out of an orphan?

Said everyone I went to high school with, actually.

Sorry dude, but the "it's a fantasy world" excuse doesn't fly. It may be all make believe, but the work itself exists in a real world context where issues of race are ever present and unavoidable. Historical and material reality colors the way real people will react to or be effected by these storytelling choices, and

I have a feeling this whole hubris thing is a big problem that plagues all Targaryens, along with the incest and craziness. I can just imagine her attempting to waltz right into King's Landing astride a dragon as if no one could possibly touch her and BOOM, she gets taken out by a couple Kingsguard. Maybe they'd even

There's a difference between showing a former slave being sincerely grateful to the person who freed them, and showing a sea of POC literally lifting up the lily white, blue-eyed, platinum-haired savior onto their shoulders and chanting "mother". Dany has plenty of praise worthy aspects to her, but also many that are

I had managed to completely avoid spoilers for the last three years, but I follow Badass Digest on facebook and the thumbnail for their review was Cat screaming as she held Frey's wife, which I feel is a pretty dick move. As soon as I recognized it was Cat I scrolled past as fast as I could and assumed she was holding

@avclub-f121d09285898f1c66d66f1e6f0455a6:disqus Turn back? He never left it.

And at the 10 year, people are still attractive and optimistic about life. By the time the 20 or 30 roll around, the horrible weight of the world will have firmly crashed down on all of your shoulders, transforming you into the sad sack adults you were always meant to be.

I figure war with the Klingon has to be the next film, but at the same time, it's obviously not a very pressing threat if they just let the crew that singlehandedly defeated Khan head out on a 5 year exploration mission. So who even knows.

"Have you been shooting dope into your scrotum? You can tell me, I'm hip!"

Seriously. It's so disappointing because this show has always staged excellent battle sequences but this was just half-assed. Actually, it was even worse than that, it was no-assed. When it was over I honestly couldn't believe that something this terrible and shoddy was even allowed to air on tv. I think Annie's fight

Favorite episode: Remedial Chaos Theory

A- is way, way too generous for this episode. I've been floating somewhere between B- and C+ because I actually laughed a lot at the beginning, moreso than I have at any other episode since Halloween. Considering the way season 4 has played out so far, I thought it was better than most, but if this had come out in

Yeah, I find it especially gross that they keep sending Pierce back to the "this thing is gay and gay is bad" well after the season 3 finale where he finally admitted that using "gay" pejoratively is not okay, which was a big step for his character. It's such a blatant regression, and then they went and dragged Jeff