It seemed like that was the main conceit at first and what originally generated a lot of the interest in it, but Millar quickly dropped that whole thing in favor of his usual "fuck these stupid nerds for liking things" antics.
It seemed like that was the main conceit at first and what originally generated a lot of the interest in it, but Millar quickly dropped that whole thing in favor of his usual "fuck these stupid nerds for liking things" antics.
"There were kids… in the adult books!"
Hell yes, that shit is endlessly quotable. It's one of the few things that I will relentlessly push on people until they finally give in and watch. None have regretted it thus far. It also has one of my favorite exchanges ever.
The world is a dick. Fuck you for aging us and teasing humans with love.
I can't get you into contact with Jon Hamm, but I can get you his non-union Mexican equivalent Juan Jamón.
"Yo Aziz I'm really happy for you and I'mma let you finish
Looks like this nerd's jimmies are still rustled over that time Fallon and the rest of the boys from Phi Beta Kappa gave him a swirlie.
Honestly I think one of the biggest mistakes here is this preoccupation with advertising as the root of all evil simply because it's loud and in your face. But that's just surface level stuff, in actuality it's marketing that's much more insidious and controlling. If this movie actually understood what it was trying…
Yippee-ki-yay mother-failure! It's A Good Day To Die Hard but a bad day to die harder at the box office! Critics and audiences agree with a vengeance: they're not letting this one live free!
@avclub-ec26fc2eb2b75aece19c70392dc744c2:disqus Have you been shooting dope into your scrotum? You can tell me, I'm hip!
Well Kim Kardashian once melted the fuck down because she lost an earring in the ocean, so it's not exactly surprising she can't handle carrying a human child to term.
Fucking agreed. The man makes compelling cinema, but I would never want to interact with him on a personal level. If the guy became a hermit and his films just popped up in theaters every few years, we'd all be better for it.
The Womptacular seriously made my day, when it popped up on my facebook feed I squealed like a little girl. Agreed about Mantzoukas as Gutterballs, I like that he didn't try for anything too wacky, instead playing him as this oddball kid who was genuinely hurt and mixed up, giving him a hilarious mix of weird and sad.…
The Womptacular seriously made my day, when it popped up on my facebook feed I squealed like a little girl. Agreed about Mantzoukas as Gutterballs, I like that he didn't try for anything too wacky, instead playing him as this oddball kid who was genuinely hurt and mixed up, giving him a hilarious mix of weird and sad.…
Yeah, that was really blatant and made it feel kinda awkward, considering Jan was only ever around to play off Michael in some way. It doesn't really make sense within the universe of the show to just gloss over that. I wonder, is there some legal shit that forces them to tiptoe around using Steve Carell's visage?
Yeah, that was really blatant and made it feel kinda awkward, considering Jan was only ever around to play off Michael in some way. It doesn't really make sense within the universe of the show to just gloss over that. I wonder, is there some legal shit that forces them to tiptoe around using Steve Carell's visage?
Haha, my younger brother tried this exact same thing except with Modern Warfare 1 and 2 and got his ass handed to him for it.
Haha, my younger brother tried this exact same thing except with Modern Warfare 1 and 2 and got his ass handed to him for it.
Yeah, no, let's not even entertain this notion, please. It's not going to happen and it's a hacky thing to pull anyway. Daniels and Schur learned their lesson from The Office's constantly forcing relationship drama and how stale it made the show over time. The writers on Parks are savvy and smart enough to go after…
Yeah, no, let's not even entertain this notion, please. It's not going to happen and it's a hacky thing to pull anyway. Daniels and Schur learned their lesson from The Office's constantly forcing relationship drama and how stale it made the show over time. The writers on Parks are savvy and smart enough to go after…