Tim Heidegger

Man, I just got the biggest flashback to one of the first times I recognized a character went totally of the rails, and it was fucking Eric from Boy Meets World. It was an episode from one of the later seasons, Eric and his dad are at a museum for some reason, looking at a piece of modern art, and the dad is just like

Man, I just got the biggest flashback to one of the first times I recognized a character went totally of the rails, and it was fucking Eric from Boy Meets World. It was an episode from one of the later seasons, Eric and his dad are at a museum for some reason, looking at a piece of modern art, and the dad is just like

Smiley 2: U Mad Bro
Smiley 3: Trolls Trolling Trolls

Smiley 2: U Mad Bro
Smiley 3: Trolls Trolling Trolls

How is it that no one has mentioned that the Fan Boyz were an obvious parody of Anonymous with their Guy Fawkes masks? I thought that shit was brilliant.

How is it that no one has mentioned that the Fan Boyz were an obvious parody of Anonymous with their Guy Fawkes masks? I thought that shit was brilliant.

When pressed for comment, Tom Cruise had this to say: "Master? I barely knew 'er!"

When pressed for comment, Tom Cruise had this to say: "Master? I barely knew 'er!"

I'm encouraging friends and family to vote for Vermin Supreme.

I'm encouraging friends and family to vote for Vermin Supreme.

"That's My Boy is… charming… irresistable… innately hilarious. Sandler has seemingly doubled down on his commitment to… good-natured… comedies." - Nathan Rabin, The A.V. Club

"That's My Boy is… charming… irresistable… innately hilarious. Sandler has seemingly doubled down on his commitment to… good-natured… comedies." - Nathan Rabin, The A.V. Club

Well Drake was on Degrassi beforehand. That sea of Canadian booty would take a toll on anyone.

"But the humor is erratic, the heroism isn’t necessarily compelling, and the whole thing feels like a grab bag of bits that don’t entirely cohere."
So if it works on no real level except visuals, in what way is this a B-? Sounds like maybe a C- at the very best. Either way, no thanks.

If these glasses allow you to ctrl+f in real life, then I will be first in line. Otherwise, no thanks.

O'Neal's spiritual pressure is off the charts

Yes, it's definitely hypocrisy for the masses to wear the rags their capitalist masters have found fit to give them.  This is ridiculous.  Do the protesters have to start knitting their own clothing for people to stop making this half-assed argument?

"Baby Boomer Santa, thank you for MTV"
"Everything's cooler when cameras are spinning"
"You mean like a spy investigating, making it seem like I'm celebrating, when actually I'm infiltrating Santa's operation?"
"Decorative plates!"
"Santa invented Spielberg and microchips"
"Me so Christmas, me so merry!"
"Fa la la

You guys hear about that turtle in China? Two packs a day.

Now beat it, before I get Cambodian on your asses!