
Yeah, but he’s not shrill. You know, like woman always are.

Alright, let’s break down this crazy logic train.

Found ‘that guy.’

Pedophiles. That’s who it’s for. I agree with this decision. It’s not “banned”, it’s unrated. Companies are not obligated to provide a platform to anyone.

The guy was dead before he could upload it...

I’m sorry but I have to say it: Darwin Award. A .50 cal no less. That caliber can pass through several walls.

America is forever tainted, as in America is the worlds taint, forever. The presidency of Donald Trump has infected us, we will never recover and, quite frankly, we don’t deserve to recover. Allowing this piece of shit to be president means that we deserve every bad thing that will ever happen to us. Tearing the

Snappers eat mostly plants by that age. There’s also commercially available turtle food.

Hey say what you will but fuck big companies and their mergers. I know we all want an angle to bash Trump no matter what he does but if he does something worthwhile even unintentionally I’ll take it

...but they say their current discrimination policy is meant to include LGBTQ youth and staff, even if there is no actual language stating so.

It IS confusing. That is why every person has the right to petition the court for clarification. That is all Stormy is doing. However, in so doing, she is forcing Trump to either admit or deny that he is David Dennison. If he denies it, she gets to release any materials or info she has without repercussions — so she

If his prenuptial agreement with Melania includes an infidelity clause, then Daniels going public could literally carry a nine-figure price tag.

People, Oprah running for president is NOT a good idea. NOT. Like, at all. Oprah is a very smart, very kind person, and those are great leadership qualities- but that’s not all that’s required of a president. I have no reason to think that Oprah can create and push through an infrastructure bill. Or oversee the

I’m convinced Putin is behind this whole thing as a gambit to try and save his puppet from being removed from office.

When something defamatory is written, rather than spoken, it’s libel.

Then why aren’t you keeping your mouth shut?

Because 30 years ago, Ronald Reagan convinced half the country that the government is evil. The only way anything can work is by privatizing it. The free market and competition will solve everything. And many people who identify as Republicans continue to go along with it, even though they know in the back of their


It’s a one time deal.

A fraction of the amount of money wasted on defense would sure be helpful to all these shitty schools, eh there little miss pyramid scheme?