
A lot of them think everyone else in the world is just as awful as they are so every corrupt, amoral, hypocritical, and outright malignant thing they do or say is justified.

I think every woman asked that by Access Hollywood should ask the questioner how they think women celebrities felt after hearing the Trump tape and whether they wondered if they were the unknowing topic of such nastiness when they did an Access Hollywood segment. They should ask why anyone would believe that was the

And I’ll raise you Cyber Promotions v. America Online

The neonazis are mentioning Gizmodo in Twitter. Expect a barrage of burner accounts calling people “cucks”, “soyboy”, “goyim” and posting Pepe pictures.

Infowars et al should host their own fucking drivel on their own site then...YouTube doesn’t have to host anyone’s shit.

Had to look it up lol...fits in with the gay frogs crowd

Admission to what? No names or actions attached. He made a vague statement about being a bad guy at times and apologizing for hurting people. That is not a specific admission. I want to see what happens when these journalists release their investigation findings.

Eh, if we’re going to be serious? The only thing we know is that she was supposed to be dating Rob Porter, and as a direct result of that, she made a terrible situation even worse by putting the White House firmly behind Porter before she’d cleared it with Trump. If that had happened in the Obama administration, it

I think they are fine. Trump just said what he said because he knows the Dem leadership is gullible enough to believe him and the Pubs still won’t do shit. He makes himself look good while still doing nothing.

I’m just so depressed by it all. Ok, conservatives, have it your way. Unlimited guns, preschoolers surrounded by concealed carriers, no sex Ed, no contraception, no abortion, no affordable healthcare, no unions, no public schools, no food stamps, no minimum wage, more privately run prisons, and more money to the

Warning to adults everywhere. These kids are really smart and really good at the social media, stop screwing with them.

“As a congregation, I would have to say we are shocked that tax money is being used to push this agenda even further,”

The amount of times you’d have to force a treat down their throat to give them the amount of calories they need would probably kill them, pill guns can be pretty rough on them. Animals with fatty liver/hepatic lipidosis refuse to eat, they have no appetite. There are medications that you can give them to improve their

Right. It can be both that she has terrible taste in men, and that these men are terrible people that post revenge porn online.

Tests like this will likely help bring physiological scrutiny to Autism. It may also bring clearer definitions for the diseases that fall under the spectrum. Many classifications that are considered under the spectrum now, may be able to be classified as different diseases with more effective therapies altogether. The

Given the very small sample size, I don’t think the difference is significant, or meaningful.

I absolutely want to fight about this. While I’m not anti-dog, per se, I am anti many dog owners. I don’t own any dogs, don’t plan to ever own dogs and think it’s not too much to ask four things of dog owners:

Well, he stole those ‘the future is female’ slogan tees so I guess he’s an asshole.

What’s funny about this to me is that Swift herself tried to trademark a bunch of short banal phrases (including “this sick beat” from the song in question). But yeah, it would kill popular music entirely if simple phrases could be copyrighted - think “ooh baby you drive me crazy”, etc.