
This is what has driven me bananas about the Trump regime, and the Republican endorsement of it. Like, yea, his politics are atrocious. He’s a bully, an asshole, a traitor, a conman, a sexual predator, a hypocrite, a tax dodger, a draft dodger, etc etc.

Kanye, no inclusión of David Bowie and Iman? Two true soulmates whose external beauty was only outshone by the loveliness of their hearts, minds, and souls. I met them once , briefly, and was literally unable to speak. They were both gracious and gorgeous. And she still honors him and the love they shared.

I am copying and pasting this from another thread so it isn’t so easily dismissed:
Mortal Dictata’s UK Update is a valuable contribution to Jezebel’s Barf Bag. It keeps me up to date on a country that is not my own. Even outside of the Barf Bag he provides valuable insight.

So, after Cohen’s fuck-up, Stormy Daniels apparently views the NDA as void and is now ready to tell all. I wonder if she’s got some kind of proof?

UK Update:

Possibly related to the faux-BDSM made popular by the Fifty Shades books & movies. Their huge success probably made guys think it’s something that women wanted. Next thing you know, it’s the big thing in porn

Yep when I was date raped and stalked in college, cops told me to let it go and move on, but stay vigilant and don’t walk home by myself.

When someone has taken you to that limit and then pulled back, that’s an attempted homicide.

My ex strangulated me, when I wanted to press charges about that the police officers didn’t want to because that could ruin his life, even though they told me to be careful and that I should get a PFA, they knew he is dangerous and still they did nothing.

Putting someone in a concentration camp with a pink triangle sewn onto on their striped suit and working them to death is not “rehabilitation”, mate.

So I guess MortalDictata’s been banned? Great job, everyone. Who’s gonna be the next monster for your pitchforks and torches? Shame on every last one of you.

Sooooo...random moment but my friend was there at Katie’s party with Arielle (met Arielle a few times). There was sooooo much drama not on this show. So. Much. Drama.

I liked the book at first when I read it because I liked what I thought the message was. Basically that people should be aware that their actions can cause others serious pain. But when I thought about it more I realized while Hannah had some bad shit happen to her, most of her 13 reasons were just stuff that every

Seems very possible. My fellow 9th grade ELA teachers teach 13 Reasons. After reading half, I couldn’t bring myself to do it. It just had issues for me that came off as misrepresenting mental illness that I couldn’t get over having seceral MI diagnoses myself and having attempted suicide.

IMO you are cowardly for creating a burner to write what you have. If you have something to say at least have the courage to say it from your actual account. As for MD I like him, he’s stood up for a few people that were being bullied by Meteor from his own account not a fake one like you are using.

Meteor? Jorni? is that you? funny how no one has a problem with Mortal- to the point where when calling out other males commentors people go out of their way to say- “male commentors be more like Mortal” but once he screencaps and calls out multiple trolls, to the point that he had an impostor suddenly there’s a

Interesting that he makes no America reference in the entirety of the review. (His favorite pastime!) I suppose the lawyer bit is an implicit joke.


Well, statistically speaking, it is not a proportion high enough where the proper advocacy is “No Sports.”

“This can happen for you!” It’s basic advertising.