
Andrew is really horrible in a variety of ways. All of the Yorks are useless, with Eugenie being the least offensive.

They are still shacked up . Rumor is they want to get married again but will have to wait for Phillip to die (because as the article says he hates her )

For that price, it needs to compete with a car costing 2-3x as much?

So it’s the women’s fault that these assholes are harassing them?

Really... is that the message we’re gonna send out to our young girls... that teenage pregnancy is something “cool” and “exciting”to aspire to.

That is not the point. The point is...what the world saw was a white man rip-off a black woman’s clothing to expose a nipple. The white man’s career excelled and the black woman was blacklisted.

Now playing

Can we all just admit that Prince performed the best and quintessential halftime show and maybe just replay that every year?

Balenciaga is easily the worst of the “high fashion” labels out there. I almost appreciate their troll level because all their shit is awful and as dumb as you can get, with a price so over inflated that it’s comical, and thirsty idiots buy out everything instantly. I can’t completely hate taking money from morons,

Thanks for the comment and I’m sorry you went through that. I never felt so alone in my life. And 3 years later I’m still dealing with my own post-traumatic stress. When it was happening I shut down all my own pain and made sure he was ok. I had to care for my abuser. It was ugly and complicated and only years out can

Hi. I’ve been lurking on this site for years and never commented, but I don’t think I’ve heard anyone articulate this so well, and I want to say I’m so sorry you went through this and I know it’s fucking abysmal and heartbreaking.

Trump is doing highly questionable things, like continuing to run his businesses and actually using his presidency to make even more money while running them. He no doubt offered them the same deal, if they support him, he helps them get what they want. It’s why there’s so much focus right now on Christian BS, it’s

They want to appoint more Federal judges. They want to remain in power long enough to see Kennedy and RBG retire so they can pack the Supreme Court with conservatives. They want to make sure they can tie the hands of the Dems when/if they take over Congress and eventually the White House.

i think they just really like having the distraction in chief

To me your money is better spent on a Forester than a Crosstrek. You get the bigger motor and more space.

BREAKING NEWS: Youtube personalty realizes that person’s suicide was about him all along. Solves inner conflict of how the world appeared not to revolve around him by discovery it does actually still revolve around him. Comes to further conclusions that it is also just his world and everyone else happens to live in

there is never an acceptable time to wear sunglasses indoors

It speaks to your general lack of a moral compass that you would instantly presume my anger, anyone’s anger really, would be even remotely motivated by some petty stupid fucking rivalry between two schools.

Aside from the fact the the Athletic Department thoroughly corrupted the Title IX department to do their bidding, which allowed Nassar to do so as well? Aside from the 19 football players, 6 basketball players, and one coach who have been revealed to have been potentially involved with violent and sexual crimes versus

“In a phone call with McCabe following Comey’s firing, Trump reportedly told McCabe to ask his wife “how it feels to be a loser” in an apparent reference to her failed Democratic bid for the Virginia state legislature in 2015. So it sounds like they were super close.”

Btw, add Kristine Moore She headed up that sham of a Title IX hearing that illegally withheld evidence from the victim, and then allowed Nassar a say in selecting the “medical experts” to review the case, including one doctor who was later caught stealing files on Nassar’s behalf. Moore has since been promoted to