
Good Lord you are stupid. If you don’t know why all the fuss, you haven’t been paying attention for the last 20 years.

A sitting POTUS:

Melania isn’t going to divorce him. Even getting child support for Barron, I’m sure there is a prenup in place that would seriously diminish her lifestyle. She sold herself to that shitstain for money. She’ll stay with him to keep access to that money. She knew what she was marrying. I have zero sympathy for her. The

Bush was a shitty president, yes.

Give the power to the racists, then. That’s all this “controversy” is about. I know some very racist people that love Dave Chapelle, therefore he is a racist. If you like Dave Chapelle, you are also a racist. See how easy that is?

Seems he’s not the only 45-supporting idiot who is also a slug (with apologies to slugs). I wonder if there are others.

Steve Wynn shows up in the Paradise Papers. His financial malfeasance will be reckoned with...

She looks like his daughter. There’s a bigger age difference between them than there is between my father and me.

How does a company like Vigilant Solutions have such an extensive database? Where are those records coming from? Anyone know?

I thought the Ecuadorians cut your internet access Mr. Assange.

Yeah 100% this is some dude

Sadly, he was still abusing women until a week before he was arrested. When she testified, the last victim was still receiving bills for his “services” in August 2016.

I am definitely a woman, yesirree, you can tell by how often I state that I am a woman, which is something that a woman would do, several times in the same conversation, just to make sure that everyone knows that the opinion being expressed is being expressed by a woman.

I wouldn’t worry. I only know where everything should be exactly since we did IVF. They are worried about my cervix so I’ve had a bunch of extra ultrasounds and have been able t see where she is each time. My midwife has assured me first baby’s can take a long time to show since your round ligaments have to be

well then you of all people should know better!!!!!!!!! let people enjoy the celebrity news trash what they want to enjoy without shitting all over what may be the only thoughtless reprieve from their shitty jobs!!!

why are you here

One kid is kicking my ass, but I’m sure having enough money to hire nannys, cooks, maids, cleaners, personal shoppers, assistants, gardners, stylists, esthetician, hair dressers, makeup artists, tutors, drivers, and personal trainers helps.

I’ve done sales and marketing for almost 2 decades and her ask is not crazy. People need to get out of their, “I hate youtubers, influencers, millennials, or whatever” bubbles and realize that this is a young woman who was just trying to run her business like she’s been told it should be run probably by people above

*pretend this is an email*

Cool. Let women, minorities, LGBTQ people, immigrants, and labor unions get continually crushed because you think Dems (no apostrophe needed, FYI) tied to corporate interests are just as bad as the people pushing the GOP agenda. Good strategy.