
Are we sure the issue is botox and not restalyne/other fillers?

I don’t think it needs another season. I think what we got should stand on its own.

I don’t know. Calling a state child murderers and illegal would definitely see her asked to step aside regardless if it was Arab or not. At least in Europe much of the population is definitely more sympathetic towards Arabs such as Palestine than Israel these days.

The whole Hanoi Jane thing was a setup. She was a pretty naive peace protester who jumped at the opportunity to show the North Vietnamese as human beings who wanted peace as much as people in the US did. The North Vietnamese exploited this by cajoling her to pose on a anti-aircraft gun.

I’m sorry you went to a freaking trump property, the epitome of tacky, you deserve what you get. It’s lucky that’s all it was and not poop on a plate or a Molotov cocktail.

There’s more to gain long term by strong environmental policy in general.

I wouldn’t bother with this person if I was you. Recognised them from sns, look at their first comment and what it was replying to.

“The City of Prospect has zero tolerance for the type of content sent by Shaw,” Prospect Mayor John Evans said. “... I want to make it crystal clear: neither the City of Prospect, not its citizens, condone, support or endorses the views expressed by Shaw in these postings/messages.”

The bar to become a police office needs to be set wwwwaaaaaaay higher.

Hmm, have no idea about that, but I’m a straight woman and I’d look. Nothing wrong with a glance as long as you move on and look people in the eye too.

I served on a state grand jury about a decade ago. One of the people brought up on charges had a huge stash of child pornography, including videos. The DA said, “This is the evidence we have so you can see why we’re presenting the case.”

None of this matters because I don’t think the GOP cares. I don’t think Trump cares. I don’t think they’re sincere. I think they’re in it for themselves and I think they have a sinister agenda to get rid of as many brown people as they can from America. They literally have a white supremacist in the administration,

Maggie Haberman’s mother runs Trump’s PR firm. So much for objectivity from the Great Grey Lady.

I actually don’t hate the name “Chicago” for a baby on its own. It’s not my favorite but it’s by no means the worst I’ve ever heard.

I am not a troll, I am a trying to demand answers or make excuses, what I want to know, is why, referencing #2 - she didn’t just leave? If it was bad sex, bad date, you leave. I’ve left bad dates, I’ve stopped bad sex. If someone keeps repeatedly trying to reengage in sex I dont want, I leave. She should have left. He

I posted this on Splinter the other day but it applies here to. My job did this exact thing, except the out come wasn’t good for me and nearly 100 other employees. Just a few hours after the Tax Bill passed, our millionaire founder/ceo (a man that has bragged about his new multi million dollar mansion in Orange County

Those Walmart bonuses are such bullshit. Only people who have worked there for TWENTY YEARS get $1000 bonuses. Who the hell works for Walmart for twenty years? Bonuses actually start at a measly $200. Plus, they quietly closed a bunch of places. So they did nothing, really.

So we should be thanking Apple? Also, corporations still evade taxes, but of course we consumers pay sales tax whenever we buy their products. Tax evasion: it’s not for little people.

“Weak person”?

You must be 18 or over to compete in any sport in the Olympics. It even says so in the article. China regularly gets in trouble for trying to slip in underage girls, to the point where the IOC threatened to ban them.