
It never stops to hurt my heart that Trump is president. Ultimately, not because of the ugly qualities that this article perfectly captures but because it told me something that I didn’t know about the working, everyday 63 million fellow Americans with whom we share the country. I used to love road trips and exploring

So, what they’re saying is, we can distribute child pornography as long as it’s for marketing purposes?

I believe there are people over the age of 12 who don’t know how difficult childbirth is. Just a few years ago, a state representative from Idaho named Vito Barbieri asked if it was possible for a woman to swallow a camera for a gynecological exam. There are also men who actually believe that women can “hold”

I think she believed that Africa was going to be like one giant Ralph Lauren photo shoot, with beautiful Waspy white people elegantly draped over Land Rovers, or posing with cheetahs on the savannah. This whole trip just screams “noblesse oblige.”

You can think about ethics when your money situation improves. Sticking to your values won’t put food on your table and you’re not being asked to go on TV and make announcements that would go against your ideals.

You read a different article than I read, then.  I see two occasions above where it says she asked to work remotely “for a week.”  Where do you see that it was for the rest of her preganancy?

Why is she responsible for her brother’s company one she has no affiliation with whatsoever? Do you have any siblings. I would rather be fed to piranhas than held responsible for my siblings actions or politics. All you can do is control yourself.

I’m going to say it, Gina was my least liked part of the show. Her plotlines went nowhere and they always focused on the worst part of her which was her laying about doing fuck all at the office.

Did you guys keep anything from 1983? I dunno but it’s super fucking weird that these guys kept everything from high school.

Well, I think the point there is that he ruined other people’s lives with his indecision too - his friend with the red cowboy boots, letting his best friend down with regard to his wedding, etc.

Yeah, sounds like the level-headed temperament of a Supreme Court Justice.

The attack on the Clintons on “the left” is so fucking bizarre for SC nominee!

revenge on behalf of the Clintons

Was going to say this too. One or two is fine but that whole section requires a click through. Very, very annoying.

You and Bobby both making me click on links to get my celebrity gossip fix...I don't like it!

The timing of the op-ed, to me, is indicative that someone wanted or needed the spotlight taken by Woodward’s book. They get to claim their story is legitimate because Woodward did all the work for them. The op-ed writer is the “winner” in all of this. Either way, they delegitimized or legitimatized Woodward’s story

As an exception, Kurt Vonnegut fought in WWII, came back to the US and raised 3 children with his wife, adopted his sister’s 3 young children as well when she died of cancer and his brother in law died in an accident, and was a consistent voice in criticizing the rising reactionary political Right in the US. Seemed

Cathy in East of Eden showed he didn't exactly have the best view of women...

I don’t like this. If there were an active resistance against Obama from within his own administration, we’d all be losing our minds.

Everything about this story is seriously fucked up, starting with why the fuck was she in jail for 3 days for parking tickets?