
“This narrative about how we drag race contestants owe our lives to “RuPaul’s Drag Race”–that needs to completely change.”

At this point, I’d bet dollars to donuts that Trump gets rid of Sessions.

When the story broke that Jennifer was dragging her feet on the divorce, my first instinct was that it has nothing to do with reconciling or punishing him. It is about having the legal right to help with rehab and medical stuff.

It’s hard when he’s your kids’ dad.

Surviving sexual abuse and assault is a very personal journey. People deal with it very differently. For a long time, I wanted no one to know that I had been sexually molested by my grandfather,among others, or raped by a camp counselor. As a young man, it made me feel weak and pathetic. The few people I did tell who

Eh, my baby was cut out of my abdomen and I wasn’t present. Anesthesia sucks. For like, 12 hours, missing it was The Worst Thing Ever.

I generally....don’t. I mean, my work colleague is my age (mid-30s) with a husband in his 50's; they met in her mid-to-late twenties I believe. But this one skeeves me out. Because he met her when she was barely legal or maybe even before. Because she still looks like a child, specifically HIS child. Also when you’re

I’d have far less to say if one party involved wasn’t barely 18 when the relationship began. But yes, they seem happy.

I hear what you’re saying but I guess Juvia’s Place has a special place in a lot of people’s hearts because they’re one of, if not the first, B.O.M.B’s. (Black Owned Makeup Business) ever. And it’s disingenuous when people use the whole “Women have to support women” excuse when they’re called out for something shady.

I’d also like to add that having gone back and looked at your past posts, where your bizarre vitriol toward “mombies” comes out in full force (and seemingly ONLY moms, NEVER dads), I can now confirm that you are indeed a misogynistic asshole.

That definitely is a “you problem” and not a “breastfeeding moms” problem. I hope you’re taking steps to deal with it. 

I have a peanut allergy but have never once been annoyed with someone for eating a PBJ AT me, because that’s not what they’re doing. They’re having a meal,just like those babies are. Cognitive Behavioral therapy does wonders helping me live in a world that isn’t designed around my personal issues.

I have literally never encountered someone breast-feeding who wanted to *make sure* I saw them doing so.

I’ve seen nothing that would indicate it is any more resistant to an antianxiety/therapy combo than any other phobia. Please, enlighten me.

You know, some anxiety drugs and some therapy would probably clear that up in a couple of months.

“Dennis Shields had asked his assistant to administer Narcan around 9 a.m., believing he was overdosing on prescription pills, sources said.”

Ok this actually sucks, for him, his family and for his friends. Suicide is always awful.

There’s no “the left”, only public corporations enforcing their policies (finally).