
except that Elvis didn’t really want to marry her but was threatened by her, her father, and Col. Parker.

There actually is something in that article that surprised me. I’m genuinely startled that Johnny Depp, who billed himself as a Capital-A Actor long after he started mostly doing big, dumb, family movies, doesn’t bother to memorize his lines anymore. Wasn’t that one of the signs that Marlon Brando had given up on

Well, juice still gives you a good workout when it’s fresh squeezed

It certainly is now. I have never been more embarassed to be an American.

The best way to handle Milo is to starve him of attention. Don’t voice outrage at his stupid statements. Don’t print interviews with him. Let him have his troll festival but stay away. Don’t have a counter protest, that just feeds the beast.

I know nothing about her and I think the “social media style” looks like a shitty early 90's strip club style.

A lot of people online are defending Monica Rose, but knowing nothing about her, is this really a scandal? I mean seemingly reasonable people are horrified at her firing and saying things like “She MADE the Kardashians!!” but is “making” a family in shitty bandage dresses and tacky-ass Balmain really a talent whose

“I kind of pooh-poohed the experience stuff when I first got here,” explained one White House official, “But this shit is hard.”

im sure once he learns what NAFTA is he’ll come around. just give it time. education is a process.

Walmart inspired corporate-country music has been destroying the soul of the U.S. for half a century. It hurts every time I have to be in the same vehicle as my mother in law.

Only good thing that Jenner did was break this bizarre myth that the LGBT+ community is perfect and isn’t filled with its own racists and bigots. It’s surprisingly easy to find people that think their letter is important and then view others within the community as not worthy of attention or don’t even exist.

I’d strongly suggest watching the entire interview, which is also posted over on Fusion, as it’s far more detailed than this article suggests. Ailes didn’t just emotionally harass Camerota; he stalled her career.

After publically confirming that he was agressively targeting Clinton to the benefit of Trump during the election, I’ll laugh my ass off if Assange is finally brought down by Donald “I love Wikileaks” Trump and his administration.

It kind of glamorizes a suicide as revenge type of element that I really hated. Her leaving the tapes incriminating people in her own death over such minor grievances as: throwing away her note, was wild to me. I think the element of actual sexual assault and harassment should have been the focus. The show leaves it

I thought this was debunked.

I’ll tackle that second question. To preface this, I am transgender and medically transitioning.

Given how fun her divorce (less than a year ago) looked, I wouldn’t think I’d want to get married again just yet, if I were Amber Heard.

As a passenger, I hope people remember that airlines need to manage their own shit and not ask paying passengers to do it for them.

And apparently Candy is already paying for their rent and school for the kids and even groceries...

I am sick and fucking tired of these damn articles about Cheeto supporters. Where are the articles about why 94% of black women voted for Hillary? When is someone going to ask us why we saw the (obvious) light when it comes to the groped-in-chief? I don’t give a shit about these racist assholes.